|I'm using Apache/PHP/MySQL to learn SQL.  Besides dazzling
|people with my prowess, I'd like to be able to store digital
|pictures in the database.  So far, I've gotten to the chapter
|that creates a form to type in a product code, description and
|price.  Yawn.
|Does anyone know the SQL code to insert a binary file into a
|MySQL database?  What type of field does it take?  I didn't see
|mention of a blob.  Maybe that's the next book.

is there a certain reason you want to put images in the database?  I
usually just store the image in the filesystem then call it from the
webpage using PHP/SQL (via the name):

<img src="<? $imagename; ?>.gif"> as a simple example.

if you are trying to create a photo album then take a look at slooze
(www.slooze.com).  I have used it for my family photo album for over a
year and am rather impressed with it.  Also, the support is awesome and
the code is well written.  


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