As long as the box is behind a basic firewall I would use straight ubuntu and not worry about antivirus. The WRT54G does NAT which gives basic protection which I think most readers agree is more than enough for a single home system, however for those who have extra boxes and an interest in computers most of them probably have one or more set up as a firewall for the experience.
Jim K
BB wrote:
Hey all

Next week I finally get some time off, so I've decided to get my computers in order; at least as far as Internet use goes. This is all probably a moot point, since I'm going to start using Linux exclusively anyways, but I was looking for an up-to-date opinion on the matter. So:

Given Ubuntu 7.10 w/ free AVG virus protection, and the proper updates how safe am I, in GENERAL; as compared to XP w/ free AVG?

I understand that there are no guarantees and in GENERAL to me means a simplified y/n answer. I imagine that folks will say "hey, what do you think we have been doing here for the last X number of years? Oh course it's safer!," but I thought I would ask anyways. I've just been "winging it" on my security for the last couple of years and that has to end. I'm looking to find out if I have to go to extraordinary means to be safe for *on-line banking* and* shopping*. This usually starts with a secure web page, travels via some form of Virtual Private Network (?,) and ends up with the configuration one has at home. Right now I am behind a WRT54GL router, that I share, communicating wirelessly with WPA encryption. I believe the router is updated with DD-WRT. I'm looking to pick up a WRT54GL router, update with DD-WRT, and bridge the two routers (if that is even possible?) If bridging is not possible I'm going to start looking into getting my own account, so I can have a hardwired Internet connection.

If I can get this router delivered on time, and do the research before hand, I hope to stop by the Thursday meeting and get some help

After years of "dinking around" it's time for me to get serious about my Linux usage. I have to admit that I'm never going to be a Linux technical expert. I believe in the Open Source approach, but I'm more of a Computer Artist then a Technician. I've echoed this before, and I hope I haven't run myself into the ground on this point.



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