EV Digest 6498

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Well, how is the AltairNano Pack working?
        by GWMobile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Re: A few new KillaCycle photos (battery assembly)
        by Bill Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) RE: Electric Bike as Cordless Tool
        by "Mick Abraham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) Re: Compressed air as battery?
        by Danny Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Weight Distribution for Pickup Trucks
        by Jeff Shanab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) RE: Battery Woes
        by "Mick Abraham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) EVLN(nEVs on Grand Cayman roads is where its at)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) EVLN(Pickup line: 'Come ride in my new electric car!')
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) EVLN(La Poste's EVs, Cleanova II)-Long
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) EVLN(Steve Westly: Tesla board of directors)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) EVLN(Cree's SiC EV devices)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) EVLN(Superconducting ceramics for EVs)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) Re: axles (was: RE: Speaking of Hybrids)
        by Jack Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) EVLN(MN Galactic Pizza's Gizmo delivery EVs)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) EVLN(BMW hybrids in 3 years)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) EVLN(24hr roadside GEMCare roadside/tow service)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 17) Re: Well, how is the AltairNano Pack working?
        by Ricky Suiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Begin Message ---
I wish I had known about that test drive.

I would have been there.

We out to have a calender of ev events somwhere rather than depend on seing what streams through the list.

On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 8:07 pm, Ray Wong wrote:
The key point with the exclusivity agreement is the requirement for Phoenix to buy $16M in batteries from Altair in 2007 to keep the exclusivity in the US. They were talking about an order of 500 batteries which works out to $32,000 per pack for 35kwh or about $0.91 per wh.

Phoenix already paid Altair almost $8M for 10 working packs that have been delivered and installed in 10 vehicles, but I understand most of the cost was for design and tooling.

Altair also gets a 16% ownership into Phoenix as part of the agreement.

Did anyone attend the Phoenix test drive in Los Angeles today, March 1 with Ed Begley Jr at the Peterson Automotive Museum.


Carl Clifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In case nobody has mentioned it, I believe Altair Nano has an exclusivity agreement with Phoenix so if I understand correctly they won't be selling anyone else batteries for at least 3 yrs unless Phoenix doesn't meet an agreed-upon volume.


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I'll take a photo of that this weekend as I reassemble the drive.

I bought two twin-row 18 tooth (and 16 tooth) #60 sprockets. I then machined the inner sides to thin down the #60 (0.5 inch wide) to fit #630 motorcycle chain (0.375" wide.) A short loop of chain on the outside sprockets links the motors to each other. The inside sprocket of the rear motor drives the rear tire sprocket.

The motors are spaced 7.5 inches apart. This makes ten links of #630 exactly.

Bill Dube'

At 09:49 PM 3/1/2007, you wrote:
I'd still like to see how the 2 motors are coupled together to drive
the rear wheel as I've never seen that particular detail before.

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Don Cameron suggested that Milwaukee might like my application for their
battery technology.

Mick says: Thanks, Don, but I suspect the Milwaukee Tool lawyers would see
lots of unwanted liability in a V28 powered "cordless tool" like mine. Maybe
we shouldn't even discuss this. (Insert paranoid conspiracy theory here...)

Martin Emde said: "I too am looking to supe-up my EV Bike

Mick says: Impressive bike, Martin, but how do you get any exercise with it?
Do you actually want it to go EVen faster? I think the DeWalt pack is rated
only 2.3 amp-hours. 2.3 X 10 cells X 3.6 volts = 83 watt-hours. V28 packs
are 3 amp hours X 7 cells X 3.6 volts = 76 watt-hours, so watt-hours per
pack is similar.

Mick says: An upgrade to 36 volts would make the controller draw energy more
quickly from the pack, but that raises survivability questions for the Scott
24 volt motor. I think you should stay 24 volts but that's mere speculation
from a guy who feels that 35 mph is already fast enough for a bicycle. Top
speed would increase anyway just by getting the lead out.      

Damon Henry said: "If you are dealing with any kind of smart charger, no you
can not leave things in parallel as you will most likely confuse the

[Mick says:] I agree with Damon. On the V28 system there's a third
connection from battery to pack which I suspect is doing more than just
sensing the battery temperature. I think there's a two way conversation
going on which could be adversely affected by placing one charger parallel
across more than one battery pack. 

Mick says: Tony Hwang's thought about "two chargers in parallel to charge
two batteries in parallel" shows good outside the box thinking but a
similarly high chance of messing up the "conversation". I don't want to try
to outsmart these already smart battery solutions. As my father used to say,
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

Damon Henry said: "since one of these packs can supply enough current for an
ebike, there really is no reason to wire them in parallel.  A system that
easily lets you switch from a dying battery to a fresh one achieves the same

[Mick says:] I think the result would not be identical, because EVen
lithium batteries must have a Peukert's exponent higher than 1. Putting two
packs in parallel should more than double the range obtainable from one.
Experienced EV List members are invited to chime in. I thought about rigging
up for just a single battery in the box, then carrying a couple of spares in
the panniers. That's still tempting as I could jettison the Schottky diodes
with their attendant energy loss. However, I do note a significant voltage
suppression when running the bike on just one pack and I think parallel
packs would help that. Also, the battery packs should stay cooler if they
are sharing the load.

[Mick says:] Martin: I think you should consider about 6 of the V28 packs in
parallel with diodes and a precharge resistor setup, along with a couple of
V28/V18 battery chargers. That gets you 18 amp hours @ 25.2 volts for about
15 pounds. It also could allow dangerously high amperage surges so make sure
you've got appropriate safety measures in place. If you could give up some
range in exchange for lighter weight, you might EVen start with 4 packs in
parallel. More could be added later.

For those who are interested, the Milwaukee battery packs are equipped with
cells made by a Canadian company called eMoli. That can be googled out if
you want to find the mfr's website. The powerful warranty shows a lot of
confidence that these companies have in their bundled solution.

Mick Abraham

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- I don't see how. Carbon fiber is stiff but is fairly poor in compression. A small tank like a paintball tank can be made hard to crush but as the tank size goes up (or it deviates from a cylindrical shape) the wall thickness has to go up quite a bit. One which survives a collision seems unlikely. It seems like this would start to get into "damn heavy" territory.

The devastation which can be caused by a crack in a scuba tank causing a breech is well documented. It's impressive. A tank tens or hundreds of times larger would be frightening, it should be able to launch the car quite a distance up in the air or simply disintegrate it like a landmine.

I remember trying to work out the numbers. A tank can't store a whole lot of energy per unit of volume, tank weight's hard to estimate without a shape and wall type. The mass of the air itself is quite low. And Cor's of course dead on about compression and expansion losses being high.

It's certainly an interesting idea, but I just don't see the potential to replace many ICE applications due to the cycle losses and low energy density.


Tim Gamber wrote:

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me, they have already made a few prototype air powered cars. The ones they are making though are based on a modifyed internal combustion engine and they are very noisy. I think the main problem with them was just making sure the compressed air tank wouldn't blow up in the event of a crash. I think the air tanks they use in them now are carbon fibre and bullet proof.

From: Cor van de Water <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: RE: Compressed air as battery?
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 19:57:56 -0800

To get an idea of the tanks (occupying the entire double floor of the MDI
Aircar) you can check out the photos I took when I visited them:

Cor van de Water
Systems Architect
Proxim Wireless Corporation http://www.proxim.com
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Private: http://www.cvandewater.com
Skype: cor_van_de_water     IM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel: +1 408 542 5225    VoIP: +31 20 3987567 FWD# 25925
Fax: +1 408 731 3675    eFAX: +31-87-784-1130
Second Life: www.secondlife.com/?u=3b42cb3f4ae249319edb487991c30acb

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Brandon Kruger
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 7:00 PM
To: EV list
Subject: Compressed air as battery?


Has anyone thought about using compressed air to store energy as a
replacement to batteries? After seeing the "aircar" on Future Car, I think
compressed air has some potential for energy storage.  Depending on the
weight of the tanks (aircar used carbon fiber) and the energy being stored, it could definitely yield a higher energy density then lead-acid. Using a motor to drive a generator, it would be possible to electrically recharge the car and it would deliver life cycles many times higher than and battery
of today.  I made a diagram of how I imagined this vehicle.
http://bmk789.dyndns.org/pics/aircar.png It could work as a serial PHEV. Compressed air tanks could also potentially be refilled quickly. Is there
some obvious problem with this idea or am I overestimating the amount of
energy that can be stored as compressed air?


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Think of a car as a dumbell if it is front heavy it wants to continue
going forward; Push the limits in a turn and the front wants to continue
straight. We call that push or understeer. If the dumbell is 50/50 it
can be pushed closer to the max cornering as it has equal tendency to go
straight or swap ends, we call this configuration neutral. Then there is
the rear heavy, they like to swap ends. This is oversteer.(not to be
confused with power oversteer or induced oversteer)

The weight shifts during braking,acceleration and turns so what you want
to avoid is a car that goes from one to the other. I call that one twitchy.

Porshe 911 rear heavy but fun to drive. Hunts out of corners under power.
Bertoni X19 twitchy as hell . Did a sliding 360 in the rain . I made
classic mistake, let up on gas when I felt the drift.

90% of american cars front heavy and enough understeer to insure that
the drivers natural reaction to lift the throttle makes things safer not
Most european sports sedans try for the 60/40 F/R I think. Better
cornering for more attentive drivers.
(PS newer american cars have come a long way but I don't own one to test

This is an oversimplification with suspension,tires, driveing style,
convention and power as complicating and/or overriding factors. :-)
(that covers all the bases)

This dumbell effect can also be illustrated by two vehicles with the
same weight and same overall F/R distribution where one has most the
weight near the center and the other has most of it's weight at the
extreams. Like an EV with batteries in the hatch back and where the
radiator use to be. The one with spread out weight has a harder time
turning in and, more exiting a harder time stopping that turn and
changing it to the other direction.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
TiM M said: "What do I need to do different to make a new pack
last longer?"

[Mick says:] Responding to that question, I sent an email to Tim off-list,
regarding the BattEQ(TM) automatic battery balancer which I distribute. I
sent the mail on Monday, 2-26 but did not get back my requested receipt.
Tim: I'm following up through this EVDL channel to make sure you got that
information. Contact me off list if you want me to send it again.

By balancing the battery string during discharge as well as during recharge,
BattEQ reduces the likelihood that "zombies" will develop within the battery
string. It's worth a look. I extend a 30 day return privilege on all my
BattEQ sales but have had no returns so far, and also no product defects so
far. For more information, see the Top Floor of my website.

Mick Abraham

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
EVLN(nEVs on Grand Cayman roads is where it’s at)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
More businesses bet on electric
By Brent Fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tuesday 27th February, 2007

There may be an influx of electric–powered vehicles on Grand
Cayman if government ever permits them for use on the roads.

The Caymanian Compass wrote last month about one company,
Electra–Tech, which has been trying to import the vehicles for
more than a year.


Electric–powered vehicles may soon be on Caymans roadways]

Last week, John Felder with Cayman Automotive said he’s jumping
on the bandwagon too.

Once (the licensing department) grants approval, we will offer
these vehicles to the general public,” said Mr. Felder.

There are indications business owners may get their break sooner
rather than later.

On 16 February, while announcing plans to toughen up the
country’s traffic regulations, Works and Infrastructure Minister
Arden McLean noted there would be a review of Traffic Law
amendments relating to electric vehicle legislation.

We’re talking about that,” said Mr. McLean. He said the Traffic
Law review would also encompass regulations for handicap
transports and derelict or abandoned vehicles.

Mr. McLean has previously said electric–powered vehicles will
eventually be developed to the point where government won’t have
any option but to let them into the country.

However, he also raised concerns about whether the electric cars
being manufactured now were too slow, and whether they would
protect passengers adequately if involved in an accident with
larger, heavier gas–powered vehicles.

The cars Mr. Felder wants to import are made by Global Electric
Motorcars, a Daimler–Chrysler company. They travel at a maximum
speed of 25–30 miles–per–hour, go 40 miles before needing a
re–charge, and cost between $6,000 and $12,000.

The vehicles can be charged by plugging the batteries into a
standard household electric outlet. They are classified as
“low–speed vehicles” in the US, which means most states only
allow the cars to be used on roads with a speed limit of 35
miles–per–hour or less.

Mr. Felder said Cayman Automotive will only ship in the cars if
government gives licencing approval. He said the number brought
in at first would depend on demand.

But both Mr. Felder, and David Phipps of Electra–Tech, believe
there will eventually be a huge market for electric cars in Grand

Electric cars is where it’s at,” said Mr. Phipps in a previous
interview with the Caymanian Compass.

They (government) have a tremendous interest in having these
vehicles for a limited use,” Mr. Felder said.

Copyright © 2004,2005 Cayman Free Press Ltd. All Rights




Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

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. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
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EVLN(Pickup line: 'Come ride in my new electric car!')
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
>From The Times  March 01, 2007
The real international man of mystery

Kevin Maher speaks to Edward Norton, star of The Illusionist and
an enigma in his spare time

Edward Norton is impenetrable. We know this because we’ve seen
him playing a series of conmen, tricksters, schizoids and
award-winning shysters who keep the rest of the world at a firm
and fixed distance.
His subsequent relationship with Hayek also became leading
tabloid fodder, especially when the Daily Mirror allegedly
overheard Norton wooing an LA lap-dancer with the immortal line:
“I want you to come for a ride in my new electric car!”
© Copyright Times Newspapers Ltd

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

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. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
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--- End Message ---
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EVLN(La Poste's EVs, Cleanova II)-Long
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Electric Cars Gather Speed   By David Gauthier-Villars
Word Count: 973  |  Companies Featured in This Article: Johnson
Controls, General Motors, Renault, Nissan Motor, Toyota Motor

PARIS -- In late 2005, France's state-run postal service began a
trial of eight experimental electric-powered mail-delivery vans
in an effort to meet a government requirement to reduce

Not only did the vans work well and prove cheaper to operate than
gasoline-powered ones, but the mailmen who drove them reported
higher job satisfaction. Now, La Poste is working on a five-year
plan to replace the bulk of its 48,000-vehicle fleet with
electric cars.

"The car works great, with almost no maintenance," says Patrick
Widloecher, La Poste's director for environmental affairs. "We're
ready to order more."
Copyright © 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


La Poste veut véhicules électriques
[translated into to English]
Gas emissions for purpose of greenhouse
The Post office wants to believe in the electric vehicles

The Post office has just signed a partnership of research and
development to test a new electric vehicle, Cleanova II. The
group hopes to replace, as soon as possible, its current fleet by
this vehicle, whereas the price of the gasoline flames and that
the traditional vehicles could be less and less tolerated of
centre town.

Whereas the current debate on the clean vehicles opposes the
defenders of the hybrid car to the unconditional ones, primarily
French, of the diesel engine, the Post office could contribute to
give the electric vehicle to the cœur of the discussions, while
waiting for the " optimal" solution of the fuel cell running on

The company signed, at the end of October, a partnership of
research and development three years with the CEREVEH (research
and studies Center on the electric vehicles and hybrid) to test
the reliability of an electric prototype "of new generation,"
Cleanova II. Developed by the SVE (Company of Electric vehicles),
joint subsidiary of the Dassault groups and Heuliez, Cleanova II,
presented at World of the car 2004, are elaborate on the basis of
Renault Kangoo. Its characteristic is, according to its
manufacturers, to mark "a rupture compared to the technologies
currently used for the electric vehicles, in particular autonomy
acceleration": Cleanova II promises an autonomy of 180
kilometers, where the current electric vehicles stagnate around
the 70 kilometers.

To replace 90 % of the fleet
The Post office will invest more than one million euros in this
program, which should also profit from an important public
financial assistance within the framework of clean the vehicles
Plan, initiated by the government in 2003. The public group
awaits much of this new vehicle, since it announces already its
will to at least replace 90 % of its fleet of vehicles and
utilities (except trucks) by these electric cars, if the tests
are convincing and that the production follows. At present the
manufacturer announces an output from 30 to 50 vehicles per day
and will go up in power only according to the market demand.
"most quickly will be best because there is fire", explains
without turning Patrick Widloecher, director of the durable
development of the Post office. On the environmental level,
everyone must be mobilized against the reheating of the planet,
which is real and serious concern. And from the economic point of
view, according to a structural logic, one will not return at the
low prices as regards oil,

To prove that the electric vehicle is profitable
This reasoning was hardly due vis-a-vis to the purchase price of 
an electric vehicle. "Certainly, the electric vehicle, such as it
is currently produced, costs between 35 % and 45 % more expensive
than the traditional vehicle, confirm Patrick Widloecher, but the
goal of this program is precisely to make evolve/move this gives.
If one takes into account the profits generated by the use of
electric, in term of ascribable costs to the fuel, but also with
surer control, with quasi non-existent maintenance, the tax
advantages and the lifespan of an electric motor which can reach
10 years (what would make us change the fleet every 6 years and
half instead of the 5 years current), one can estimate that last
the 10 000 kilometers, the electric vehicle is not more expensive
than a thermal car." Argument confirmed by the manufacturer of
Cleanova II, in the person of Patrick Largeau, leader project at
SVE: "When Cleanova II is launched in series, it will be marketed
in the category of the of the same vehicles range, been driven by
thermal engine, at a reasonable price. Especially fo

To maintain its activity in the downtown areas
The partnership between the Post office and the SVE innovates
according to the group since, for the first time, the vehicle
answers a schedule of conditions to adapt it to the need for the
post-office employees and to optimize transport (carries side
with special opening, batteries under the floor, throw back
seats, etc).   

Work on logistics is the other major lever of action of the Post
office to be equipped with a less polluting fleet (530 electric
vehicles and 1 100 travelling with the LPG, to date, on a total
of 51 000 vehicles, except trucks). The group is responsible, via
its transport, of 0,20 % of the national CO2 emissions each year
and hopes to decrease them by 5 %, from here 2007. Various tracks
were selected like the regrouping of sorting offices in Parisian
suburbs with Gonesse (300 000 kms "saved"), a transport of the
parcels except containers (a saving in space which requires 2,5
times less trucks), or a better management and automation of the
rounds (1 000 removed cars)...  

The active policy of the Post office does not concern
philanthropy, but pragmatism, as recalled by Patrick Widloecher:
"Today, the mail drops in quantity, but it increases in weight,
requiring adapted transport facilities.  However, the great
agglomerations, within the framework of their Plan of urban
displacement (PDU) will be numerous to regulate, to even prohibit
the thermal vehicles of centre town. One must thus find
solutions, and quickly... "

Sylvie Touboul
© Novethic 2001 - Reproduction rights reserved and of diffusion

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

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. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
EVLN(Steve Westly: Tesla board of directors)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Posted on Wed, Feb. 28, 2007   Mercury News
Westly joins Tesla Motors board

Tesla Motors named former eBay executive and former gubernatorial
candidate Steve Westly to its board of directors today.

Westly, a former controller for California, spent $35 million of
his own money trying to become the state's governor in 2006. He
lost in the Democratic primary to state Treasurer Phil Angelides,
who lost to incumbent Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in the general

Tesla's board also includes Martin Eberhard, the company's
co-founder and chief executive; Elon Musk, founder of Space X;
Jim Marver of VantagePoint Venture Partners; Kimbal Musk, chief
executive of Medium; Simon Rothman, a former eBay Motors
executive; and Laurie Yoler of GrowthPoint Technology Partners.

In a statement, Eberhard noted Westly's ties to Silicon Valley as
well as his experience ``taking companies public.''

Tesla, a San Carlos-based electric-vehicle start-up, will
introduce its first model, a $92,000 two-seat roadster, later
this year. It recently announced that it will build its second
model, a $50,000 sedan, at a new factory in New Mexico scheduled
to open in late 2009. Electric cars emit no pollution.

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

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. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
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EVLN(Cree's SiC EV devices)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Cree’s highest power silicon carbide Schottky rectifier

Cree, Inc., represented by Cutter Electronics, a market leader in
silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors, has announced that it
is shipping production quantities of a new 50-amp Zero Recovery
Schottky rectifier operating at 1200 volts. The new CPW2-1200S050
demonstrates Cree’s ability to develop innovative power-handling
devices that can significantly improve levels of efficiency in
power inverters. This advance means that applications such as
solar and wind power converters, industrial motor drives, and
electric vehicles using these Cree devices can increase their
operating efficiency beyond current levels.

Cree’s SiC-based Zero Recovery rectifiers can:

-Simplify Power Factor Correction Boost design by eliminating the
 need for snubbers and reducing component count.

-Reduce power losses, leading to cooler operating temperatures.

-Produce significantly less electromagnetic interference (EMI).

-Better support new design objectives for efficiency set forth by
 the EPA, California Electric Commission and other agencies.

Recent advancements Cree has made in material quality allow us to
expand our product offerings into much higher power levels,
opening whole new applications for our SiC power device
technology,” said John Palmour, Cree executive vice president for
advanced devices. “This new device is another example of Cree’s
leadership in silicon carbide materials and high power devices.
It can help designers address energy efficiency requirements
driven by global energy concerns.”

The CPW2-1200S050 reaches new power levels because of significant
SiC materials quality advancements achieved in the last year. It
also features the industry’s largest-area SiC die, with a die
size of 8.2 mm x 4 mm. Fundamental to these advancements are very
low defect density substrates, including zero micropipe SiC
substrates. This remarkable advance in technology was made
possible by pioneering research performed by Intrinsic
Semiconductor, acquired by Cree in 2006, in combination with
major research efforts funded by DARPA and the Army Research

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere

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--- End Message ---
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EVLN(Superconducting ceramics for EVs)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Researchers Solve Part of the Puzzle on How Superconductors Work

At a seminal meeting in 1987, physicists shocked the scientific
community when they reported that certain ceramics can conduct
electricity with no resistance at low temperatures. Since then,
scientists have been dreaming of trains that levitate on magnetic
fields, practical electric cars, hyper-efficient power lines and
the other technological marvels that would be made possible by a
material that could similarly “superconduct” electricity, but at
room temperature.

Near the 20-year anniversary of that scientific symposium, called
“the Woodstock of physics” in contemporary media accounts, a
Brigham Young University researcher is part of a team that has
taken science one step closer to this “holy grail.” Branton
Campbell, assistant professor of physics, in collaboration with
the University of Tennessee's Pengcheng Daiand others, has
published a paper (subscription required) in the high-profile
journal Nature Materials that explains the behavior of an
important class of superconducting ceramics.

Whoever finally succeeds in discovering a room temperature
superconductor is going to win a Nobel Prize -- it’s a
no-brainer,” said Campbell. “But until you know how the atomic
structure of a material relates to its properties, you don’t know
what to do to change the properties to make a better
superconductor. When you know what’s bad, you can try to remove
it, and when you know what's good, you can try to add more of

The team took tiny samples of ceramic crystals to what Campbell
calls the most powerful X-ray machine in the world, a
billion-dollar facility located at Argonne National Laboratory
near Chicago, where he was once a postdoctoral researcher. There
they shined a needle-thin X-ray beam onto the crystals and mapped
out the pattern of scattered X-rays to determine the location and
type of each atom in the crystal structure. They also used a
similar technique called neutron powder diffraction.

There are two principal types of copper-oxide ceramics that
usually don’t even conduct electricity at room temperature, but
become superconductors at low temperature. One type behaves quite
differently from the other, which had scientists wondering if two
separate physical mechanisms might be at work. It was a
long-standing mystery why so-called “electron-doped” ceramics
cannot superconduct until after they have been subjected to
special high-temperature chemical treatments.

The team Campbell was part of showed that the treatments repair
previously unreported atomic-scale defects in the material.
Further, once the defects are repaired, the basic features of the
two types of materials are very similar after all, suggesting
that one theory is enough to explain the mechanism of ceramic

With the theory of ceramic superconductors in a state of
confusion, anything we can do to eliminate distractions is very
helpful,” Campbell said. “We propose that efforts to synthesize
defect-free materials should lead to better superconductors.”

Other researchers who contributed to the study have affiliations
with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the
University of Maryland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Argonne
National Laboratory, and Tokyo’s Central Research Institute of
Electric Power Industry.

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Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

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. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere

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--- Begin Message --- I got the Ford 7.5 IRS today and weighed it, my bathroom scale showed it was 72lbs. The Ford 9in was 69lbs. The 9in needs a housing and bearings to hold the half shafts, so if you add that weight they are pretty close. With the aluminum 9in, it saves about 20lbs. Currie also has an 8in aluminum case, I'll have to call them and see what that weighs.

Jack Murray wrote:
sounds good, particularly if you use the smaller 7.5, the 8.8 seems way too heavy for what will be a very lightweight car.
I found the 7.5 5:13 gear at Mark Williams
but then found that Summit also had a Richmond gear

What are you using to connect the motor to the differential?
I don't have much room at all in the aspire for a long coupler, given what looks like a long pinion snout on the 7.5, it probably won't fit horizontal mounting, I'll have to rotate it up. Is there an issue for the ADC motor to operate that way? do they have to be level?? Another thought is to mount the motor above the diff and use a short chain or belt drive onto the pinion. This drive can be 1:1 so no problem getting the parts for that, in fact, with some gearing here, say 1:1.5 would only require a gear in the diff of 3.0, so the stock gears could be used.

I think an 9in might actually weigh less, the case is small compared to the large iron irs case, an aluminum one would almost certainly weigh less.

hope that helps,

Lee Hart wrote:


If anyone else wants to try using a T-Bird rear end for their EV, I have
a '92 for parts, near Modesto CA. Cheap, cheap, cheap.

We just bought a '92 T'Bird ourselves for parts. Looks like a fine source of parts for anyone planning to build their own Sunrise. They have disk front / drum rear brakes, which is what I'm thinking of using myself.

Note that there are two differentials; cars with a V6 engine have a smaller one, and cars with a V8 have the bigger 8.9". Either can be used, but we could only find gear up to 4.89:1 (or thereabouts). The 8.9" accepts up to 5.14:1.

Jack Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was also thinking that shortening the half-shafts is going to be the easy part of narrowing the rear. You'll have to narrow the rest of the suspension

Yes. We cut the rear subframe in half, took 10" out of the center, and tack welded it back togehter to serve as the pattern. We're making our own replacement subframe from square steel tubing. This subframe will fit into slots in the composite chassis, mounts the inverted differential, and has the motor mounting plate on it.

I'm going to the salvage yard tomorrow and get a 7.5" t-bird irs rear ($150) and see if I can use it, how heavy etc.
A 5.14 gear is available for the 7.5.
At minimum the half-shafts are 28-spline and so will plug into the 9" pumpkin.

Where did you find 5.14:1 gears for the 7.5"?
Lee Hart

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
EVLN(MN Galactic Pizza's Gizmo delivery EVs)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
LifeFriday, February 9, 2007 3:33 PM CST
Everyone's favorite kind of pie
Pepperoni is America’s favorite topping
Slices of life
Read the job description very carefully before you sign up to be
a Galactic Pizza driver in Minneapolis. They zip around in
electric cars and wear superhero costumes that include lame
capes, sparkly jumpsuits and go-go boots.
SOURCES: "Everybody Loves Pizza," by Penny Pollack and Jeff Ruby,
Emmis Books (2005); www.PizzaHut.com





Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere

Yahoo! Music Unlimited
Access over 1 million songs.

--- End Message ---
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EVLN(BMW hybrids in 3 years)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Hybrid DaimlerChrsysler, BMW Cars in 3 Years

We all knew BMW and DaimlerChrysler had engineers working on
alternative fuel models. But what is interesting about their
alliance announced today of plans to co-develop hybrid cars is
that they have committed to commercialize hybrids within three

When I spoke with BMW's engineers in Berlin recently [...] they
showed diagrams of their hybrid motor development. But like
Mercedes, BMW did not commit to a hybrid car launch date.

I also assume the alliance announced today will only involve
Mercedes, and not Smart--which already has an electric car and is
in deep trouble financially--nor Chrysler, which is also in
trouble and is expected to be sold off. [...] 
Posted by Bruce Gain 8:33:01 AM

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere

TV dinner still cooling? 
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

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EVLN(24hr roadside GEMCare roadside/tow service)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Visit http://www.gemcar.com for further information.

Global Electric Motorcars now offers GEMCare — a comprehensive
warranty that allows new owners to enjoy 24-hour roadside
assistance from any location, protection against major mechanical
breakdowns, and towing. Every new GEM owner now enjoys 12 months
of GEMCare with the purchase of their vehicle.

Fargo, N.D.— Global Electric Motorcars now offers GEMCare — a
comprehensive warranty that allows new owners to enjoy 24-hour
roadside assistance from any location, protection against major
mechanical breakdowns, and towing. Every new GEM owner now enjoys
12 months of GEMCare with the purchase of their vehicle, with an
optional 12-24-month extension.

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No other neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) manufacturer
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We’re committed to ensuring that GEM drivers have an optimal
experience with our vehicles. We’re able to offer a comprehensive
warranty plan because we believe in the quality of GEM vehicles.
The GEMCare program shows our steadfast dedication to customers
and reinforces our market leadership in plug-in electric
transportation,” says Rick Kasper, president and chief operating

All warranty services are provided by authorized GEM service
providers. The all-inclusive coverage means that GEM will repair
or replace all GEM parts that fail under normal use. The 24-hour
roadside assistance includes towing and collision assistance.

The warranty introduction comes on the heels of GEM’s 2007 model
launch, which includes its new extra-duty utility electric
vehicle, the GEM eL XD, which features a long-back bed and a
half-ton of payload capacity.

With the advances applied to our 2007 models and the introduction
of GEMCare, people can get the cost and emissions benefits of
electric vehicles along with real performance and peace of mind,"
Kasper says.

More than 33,000 GEM vehicles are on the road today providing
clean, quiet, efficient and affordable transportation. With zero
emissions, they are an alternative to conventional vehicles and
can have a significant impact on air quality.

Information on GEM electric vehicles is available at
Additional information and news from DaimlerChrysler is available
at ww.media.daimlerchrysler.com.   © Earthtoys Inc. 2002 - 2007

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor, RE & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
The one I saw at SEMA in October had Altair Nano batteries in it. If the 
plastic cover hadn't been there I could have touched them. They had a few 
people from Phoenix Motor Cars there and there was also a guy from Altair Nano 
there handing out some info on the batteries. 

It was unexpected and quite nice to see an EV there and let alone to have Ed. 
Bagely there with it doing interviews and promoting it. 



On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 07:47:32PM -0800, Ray Wong wrote:

>   Did anyone attend the Phoenix test drive in Los Angeles today, 
March 1 with
> Ed Begley Jr at the Peterson Automotive Museum.

I've heard a rumor that the test cars are not powered by Altair Nano 

Does anybody have any evidence either way on this?


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