Recently I saw this report from the management consulting firm A. D. Little
referenced in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.:

The report claims that BEVs have only a slight margin over ICEs in terms of
greenhouse gas reduction (23%) and that BEVs are significantly more
polluting overall.  To quote the WSJ article:

"... its total “human toxicity”—mainly due to heavy metals and
graphite—will be three to five times greater."

I don't know anything about ADL's reputation, but this analysis appears to
be strangely biased.  For instance my conversion's LiFePO4 cells don't
contain ANY heavy metals, but the catalytic converter in my gas car
definitely does contain platinum and palladium (which are obtained via
notoriously polluting mining operations...)

So two questions for the list:

Is there a reputable source that would refute this analysis?

Is there something I don't know about ADL's motivations for smearing EVs?
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