Newspaper Claims Elon Musk “Used BMW” For Publicity
December 11th, 2014 by James Ayre

[image  / Tesla Motors

Did Elon Musk use “supposed negotiations” with BMW on a possible
collaboration involving battery and charging station technologies as a means
of free publicity? With Tesla “adorning” itself with the BMW brand for
“publicity purposes”?

That’s exactly what a Norwegian newspaper is alleging — that Musk/Tesla lied
about a potential collaboration with the German automaker as a means of
gaining good press.

That certainly seems a strange allegation, doesn’t it? (Makes me feel like
I’m in a divorce court or something.) Well, it gets even weirder, with the
paper alleging that the comments are the result of Tesla looking to shore up
its public image after Toyota and Mercedes unloaded some of their shares in

Lol. If the comments weren’t so humorous, I guess that it might be something
that could get someone upset. Perhaps something is being lost in the
translation (I don’t speak/read great Norwegian), but this whole thing comes
across as a nothing more than a bit of rather unskilled mudslinging. If it
was a more skilled attempt at tarnishing the image of Tesla, perhaps some\
offense could be taken — but this? Lol, I had a good belly laugh from this.

So, thank you (And a big hat tip to Tesla Motors Club forum
member daniel Ox9EFD.)

Here’s a quote (as translated by a computer):

Elon Musk said in an interview that Tesla is in talks with BMW about a
collaboration on battery technology and charging stations. The statement
puzzles Munich.

According to the German WirtschaftsWoche, there are absolutely no
negotiations about a concrete collaboration between BMW and Tesla. BMW has
absolutely no interest in buying parts from Tesla, says BMW when
WirtschaftsWoche confronts the company with the statements of Elon Musk that
Tesla is in talks with BMW about a collaboration on battery technology and
charging stations.

Well-informed BMW-sources say, according to the German online magazine, that
in this industry practically everyone speaks with everyone, so “informal
discussions” with Tesla mean little. It was announced in October that
Mercedes and Toyota sold off Tesla. Munich suspects the electric vehicle
manufacturer now wants to adorn themselves with the BMW brand and claims
that “Musk uses us for publicity purposes.” ...

I see that Chris over at GAS2 has also chimed in on this story, [
] referencing the German paper that quoted an “unnamed BMW executive” and
got the story rolling.
Thread: Norway article claims: 'BMW: Elon Musk uses us for publicity
purposes'  [2014-11-28] ... when it comes to ... they do have an
anti-Tesla bias ...
BMW: - Elon Musk bruker oss til PR-formål
Elon Musk uttalte i et intervju at Tesla er i samtaler med BMW om et
samarbeid på batteriteknikk og ladestasjoner. Utsagnet vekker forundring i
Artikkel av: Helene Kleppe ( - 28.11.14)
BMW: - Elon Musk uses us publicity purposes
Elon Musk said in an interview that Tesla is in talks with BMW about a
collaboration on battery technology and charging stations. The statement
evokes amazement in Munich.
Article by: Helene Kleppe ( - 11/28/14)
'Daimler's coffers were swelled by their €600M sale of Tesla stock'
December 11, 2014

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