'Tesla teams up with Nordstrom to sell Model X EVs'

10k-km Tesla-X trailer-tow trip> victoriabc.ca to stjohns.ca Newfoundland
Jun 12 2016

Couple and Their Dog Are Driving Across Canada in a Model X and a Solar

(Couple and Their Dog in a Model X and a Solar Trailer)

If there was ever a definition of the modern hippy, then this must be it: a
husband, his wife, and their dog driving across a great country for no
particular reason in an electric car towing a trailer with solar panels on
top. It doesn't get any more hip than this.

And still, wouldn't you just love if you could drop everything you were
doing right now and swap places with them? Going on a 6,000+ miles (10,000
km) road trip with no time pressure is probably the best way to get to know
a country. 

After all, some people even wrote books about it after similar experiences -
see Ilf and Petrov's "Little Golden America." And while they don't plan to
launch themselves into a career in literature, these two will also document
their journey on a blog and social media. 

Like all big ideas, it all started differently. Silke Sommerfeld and Rolf
Oetter have been planning a trip across Canada for over ten years, but never
found the time to do it. Initially, they were supposed to do it in a motor
home, but after acquiring their Model X, leaving a trail of pollution behind
just didn't seem right to them anymore.

So Rolf, a German engineer, set to modify the trailer for the long trip.
Since camping spots only come with one plug, and they would need it for the
car, the trailer had to be energy self-sufficient. By installing 800 watts
of solar panels and a little over five-kilowatt hours worth of lithium ion
batteries, he not only achieved that, but also turned the trailer into an
external power source for the car, capable of delivering between 30 to 40
kilometers of extra range.

The couple estimate their journey will take them about three months, but
that's only because they plan to make the most of it and not rush it in any
way. Tesla is in no way involved in their endeavor, and they make it very
clear that they want to promote electric cars in general, not one brand in

"This trip is our idea," says Silke, talking to Vancouver Island News. "All
we want is to raise awareness and bring electric cars closer to as many
people as possible." You can follow Silke and Rolf's progress on their
Facebook page [
] where they are also more than happy to answer any questions.
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Tesla teams up with Nordstrom to sell Model X
14TH JUNE 2016

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