Well the Solaredge HD wave (and the previous model) use a fixed input voltage at a nominal 380VDC, with a 480VDC max. There is no MPPT, since that is done off-board in their optimizers, that sit behind the PV modules. So you might be able to connect a nominal 380V battery pack to the solar and have it act normally. But one would have to actually *try* it...

They are pretty cheap (older version)*https://preview.tinyurl.com/yy4l65fs*

*Even the HD wave is not too bad at 6kW power level...https://www.ebay.com/itm/SolarEdge-SE6000H-US000NNU2-HD-Wave-6kW-240V-TL-Inverter/353151346924?hash=item523975e8ec:g:9HIAAOSwWHtfHgFa*

*Please note that the Solaredge has an integrated DC disconnect rated for PV, not battery. Also for operating 120/240V split phase loads you need their balancing transformer...


On 7/30/2020 1:08 PM, ev-requ...@lists.evdl.org wrote:
I'll be interested once it's proven that you can use a battery pack for the PV 
input, AND not have a 48V battery pack attached.

Kind regards,

Tim Economu
Offgrid Systems LLC
7664 Hellman Road
Clinton, Wa 98236

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