I'm a long time lurker to the list. After over a year of delays and life
getting in the way, I now have some time to get back to wiring up my
motorcycle project and (hopefully) getting it on the road for the first
time.... but I need some help first.

I have the basic wiring diagram and layout figured out, but I'm struggling
a bit with the BMS install.

I'm looking for someone experienced with Elithium BMS systems to help guide
me through the install. Specifically, I have an Elithium Lite system that I
need to install. Batteries are 24x GBS LiFePo4 units, and the charger is an
Elcom PFC-1500. I'm pretty much cross-eyed after reading install manuals
and how to hook up the unit.

So here's my humble request: I'm looking for someone with experience wiring
up such a beast, and who doesn't mind helping me (virtually) walk through
the install over the next few weeks.

I don't want to eat up bandwidth on the list, so feel free to contact me
offline at: bugeyebug AT gmail DOT com.

Many thanks in advance. Cheers!
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