On 11 Jul 2014 at 2:23, Bruce EVangel Parmenter via EV wrote:

> Here is the image's direct URL (which Firefox-30.0 Windows-version
> browser still has a malware warning on):
> http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=315432

I don't know for sure, but it appears to me that the browser warnings are 
based on the URL's match with a "potential hazard" database.  I don't think 
that the browser is actually detecting malware on that very page.

FWIW, I don't see any warnings.  From what Bruce says here, I guess that's 
because I'm not using Windows.  It might also be because I use relatively 
old browsers (Seamonkey 2.15.2, QtWeb 3.7.3), have Noscript on Seamonkey, 
and block most ads with /etc/hosts entries.

I did look at the source for the specific page I gave as a link.  I see 
absolutely nothing suspicious there.

However, it's good to know that other OSes and browsers get upset about this 

For some time I've recommended Imagebin at evdl.org as a suitable place to 
upload photos that EVDLers want to share.  It's lean, fast, and convenient; 
it doesn't require registration for either uploader or viewer; and any ads 
that appear would seem to be text-based Google Adwords.  (Yes?  No?  I don't 
know, I never see any ads.)  

Previously the only Imagebin downside I knew about was that photos vanish 
from the site eventually, to make room for new ones.

Presumably there are malware hazards in some other uploads to Imagebin.  

I don't see any in the image that I personally uploaded.  However, I can't 
deny that the site sets off malware alarm bells for at least some other 
folks.  Worse, I can imagine a scenario in which an EVDLer with a 
compromised computer might post a contaminated image there, potentially 
causing big problems for other EVDLers.

I've therefore removed the Imagebin recommendation from evdl.org.  

(Ah, for the days when you could mostly trust the web and those on it.  That 
era probably ended around 19995 or 1996.)

If you have an image or binary data to share, pick whatever file sharing 
service suits you.  Just please make sure that it's an open, public place 
that doesn't require registration to view or download the files.

Now back to your regularly scheduled EV discussion.  Thanks for your 

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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