'ATC Aims to be the Tesla for Tractors'
'Variable frequency drive'

Leap of faith to tractor autonomy
21 Feb, 2016  TOM MCKENNY

An ATC electric drive tractor ready for delivery to US based cooperative
farming group Family Farms

ATC's AutoDrive technology retro-fitted to a tractor for development work

A closer look at ATC's diesel electric drive system, eDrive, retrofitted to
a tractor

The transition to an autonomous tractor would require a giant leap of faith
from any farmer, so US based Autonomous Tractor Corporation’s work is
focused on introducing its groundbreaking technology in a phased way.

That will put to rest any idea of automated tractors running amok any time
soon, but also ensure the technology is well proven in real field work.

ATC’s exciting technology takes in several phases with the development of a
suitable electric drive system the first step toward a fully autonomous
tractor, followed by the application of a laser radio navigation system to
provide better in-paddock control than what’s offered by GPS.

The eDrive electric drive system was developed to resolve issues with trying
to automate a mechanical drive tractor - there’s just not the level of
control available.

“Trying to take today’s (tractor) technology and make it better or
autonomous is not the path to go down,” ATC’s CEO Kraig Schulz explained.
“You can’t control a mechanical drive train with the sense and precision
needed to make it autonomous - leaving out the fact they are expensive and

“An electric system is drive by wire so we can tell you with a high degree
of precision exactly what is going on from the cabin down to the dirt, it's
the feedback you need for control.

There’s also issues with how you apply the brakes, change gears or shift the
transmission. The list of things that would have to be mechanically actuated
is long - and so is the work and cost and you’d still end up with something
that is both manual and autonomous.

ATC discovered quickly there was no existing electric drive suitable to
autonomous operation so set about developing their own.

The company’s concept autonomous tractor, the Spirit, presents too many
commercial issues, Mr Schulz said. “There’s no cab, it can’t be operated
manually, you’d never be able to drive it down the road, would it suit every
application a farmer wants of a tractor you’re not going to be able to do
with a fully autonomous tractor?.

“It’s a vision of where things can go but it is not very practical.

“By going to an aftermarket fit we solve a lot of problems,” he said. It
becomes a viable option to re-birth an existing tractor compared to buying
new or re-building and hoping the costs don’t add up too quickly.

“This gives you a third option. It’ll cost about half of what a new tractor
would cost… and it will last for 20 years.”

“We have a philosophy that a farmer wants to be eased out of the cab, not
kicked out. By nature they are sceptical and conservative and for good
reason. Our approach will give them confidence over time as you add various
capabilities to the tractor.

The first step is the electric drive. “You can realise benefits immediately
and then you add a better autosteer which uses our navigation technology not
GPS, they can see there’s no dead spots, no drift and it has the accuracy
but I’m still sitting in the cab.

“You can then add in the safety aspects and keep adding the functionality so
that in some reasonable timeframe you’re not going to steer it anymore and
can confidently step out of the cab.

Of course it has implications for the farming operation, the implements
chosen - it's not going to be an overnight revolution with cabinless
autonomous tractors taking over farms. “It's going to be much more an
evolution, so our approach is to lead and pace that rather than trying to
dump it on them all at once.

ATC is fitting eDrive to tractors now. Some of the tech for AutoDrive is
done and some is most of the way there, and some is still in development, Mr
Schulz said. “The safety technology is finished; the navigation technology
is in two parts - one is the control side which is worked out and the
navigation side is cutting new ground.

“GPS will never power an autonomous vehicle. the accuracy, reliability and
repeatability are the factors that matter and there are deficiencies in each
area at present that would compromise autonomous operation.

“What do you do then? Mr Schulz asks. “We know our laser radio navigation
technology works, we’ve field tested it. We are getting the accuracy down
all the time and we need to get it down to +/- 1” accuracy as our design

The laser element of the system is internal to the tractor, the radio are
external beacons - two positioned at each end of the field. “We know we can
transmit up to 20 miles but we are working on the accuracy as it changes
with the distance. If they are in the field you will be fine but what if
they are five miles away?

“How many you would need and where they would be positioned is still to be

“It’s a matter of the amount of data you are processing and with a tractor
moving at six miles per hour, 100 inches every second, you have to be moving
fast - you haven't got time.

“These are not unsolvable problems, they just take time to get there. We are
doing as much as we can as fast as we can with the resources available to

Variable frequency drive
Right now, ATC’s researchers are focused on perfecting eDrive for market.
And the development is not straightforward because much of the technology
needed for electric tractor drive was never available.

“It’s why John Deere has never produced a diesel electric tractor,” Mr
Schulz said. “Their tractors are mechanical (because) that’s the kind of
engineers they have on-board.”

There’s not many people in industry who deal with high power, high voltage
electric motors,” he said.

“When you look at the variable frequency drive systems available, what we
are doing is so different to what anyone else is doing.

“The products needed for tractors still don't exist in the electric drive
industry because there’s never been the requirement to use it in this style
of application,” Mr Schulz said.

That’s because the requirements for an electric drive tractor is vastly
different to what is being developed for electric cars.

“It is an entirely different application of electric drive. There’s not many
cars out there sitting in a mud bog with a 30,000 pound implement behind
them that need full torque at two rpm - that’s not a requirement of the
automotive industry.

“Unfortunately the motor and drive characteristics at that specific
requirement are really different. We can’t take a drive from a Tesla and
slap in on a tractor and expect it to work because it won’t.”
[© farmweekly.com.au]
eDrive: Imagine... new life for your tractor  ... A 400 hp eDrive system
provides 30% better fuel efficiency, quieter operation, exquisite control
and 20,000–25,000 hours of new life for your old workhorse at a small
fraction of the cost of a new tractor ... eDrive is powered by ATC’s
proprietary 100 hp wheel motor. Only two gears with no transmission provides
for speeds up to 20 mph and greater than 300 hp instantaneous power in each
motor. The liquid-cooled, liquid-lubricated and liquid-controlled design is
rated for 25,000 hours of service life and needs no maintenance. A motor can
easily be swapped out in less than an hour with no specialized equipment ...
(ATC 4302 13th Ave South Fargo, ND 58103 203-993-0828)

Autonomous Tractor Cooperation Lays Out Plan to Slowly Introduce Driverless
February 17, 2016
Electric drive tractor hits the dirt
Nov 5, 2015 - The electric drive farm tractor is no longer just a dream. ...
Electricity is more efficient than mechanical drive systems, which could
save ... 10 to 20 percent over straight diesel, ATC head Craig Schulz said
the eDrive conversion ...
FARM SHOW - Driverless Tractors Ready For Market
ATC 4302 13th Ave. S., Fargo, N. Dak. 58103  701 429-3964
Autonomous Tractor makes first sale - Emerging Prairie
Oct 16, 2015 - ATC, founded in 1983, spent 10 years designing the only
diesel-electric system for tractors ...
Autonomous Tractor Corporation Aims to be the Tesla for Tractors
OCTOBER 3, 2015  (Autonomous Tractor Corporation Teaches Old Farm Machines
New Tricks)

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