Production Plans for 2017
Airbus Electric Aircraft Makes Public Flight In UK, We Still Want One
By  Antony Ingram  Jul 18, 2014

Airbus E-Fan Electric Airplane
Transport Evolved Electric Car News Jul 17, 2014 
B-Roll of the E-Fan Electric Airplane Flying. Provided for press use by
Airbus from official press source. Reproduced here for editorial purposes.
For copyright, please contact Airbus.

GALLERY: Airbus E-FAN electric aircraft

Aircraft--larger ones, at least--are surprisingly fuel-efficient ways of
moving people around. They are however quite noisy, and aren't subject to
nearly as many pollution controls as road vehicles, so there's still plenty
room for improvement. 

The E-Fan light aircraft, designed by Airbus, looks like a suitable
alternative for light aviation use.

Back in May the E-Fan took its first test flight, and now it's been shown to
the public too at the massive Farnborough Air Show in the UK.

Aside from the wind roar audible in the video, the E-Fan seems
near-silent--certainly not the case with even the smallest of fossil-fuel
powered light aircraft.

On either side of the fuselage, mounted towards the rear, sits a 30 kW
electric motor and its corresponding variable-pitch propeller.

The combined output of 60 kW equates to around 80 horsepower, enough to give
the E-Fan a top speed of around 136 mph and a cruising speed, with two
people aboard, of about 100 mph. The E-Fan taxis electrically too--the nose
wheel features a 6 kW electric motor.

According to Transport Evolved, Airbus plans both two and four-seat versions
of the E-Fan, should the prototype eventually evolve into a production
model. That could happen by 2017, though we're not sure how much you'll have
to save up as Airbus hasn't revealed a price point yet.

In terms of all-important range, the E-Fan still lags behind its combustion
counterparts--a situation familiar to electric vehicle users whose wheels
are firmly on the ground.

Airbus quotes endurance of 45 minutes to an hour, enough for 4-6 flight
patterns or airfield circuits. It could, given the cruising speed, get you
nicely from one local airstrip to another, though longer journeys will still
be the preserve of regular aircraft until battery technology improves.

It'll be worth it when it does improve, however.

While, as mentioned earlier, large passenger aircraft can move hundreds of
people large distances on comparatively little fuel, light aircraft can be
quite thirsty given their low passenger numbers.

A Cessna 172--the world's most popular light aircraft--has a fuel burn rate
of around nine gallons per hour, and a cruising speed of 130 knots--about
150 mph.

In that hour--using nine gallons and covering 150 miles, the Cessna's fuel
consumption works out at about 17 miles per gallon. With a 56-gallon tank to
fill, it offers plenty of range--but it ain't cheap and it ain't very
Airbus Shows Off All-Electric E-Fan 2.0 Airplane, Plans Production in 2017
Brandon Hill - July 21, 2014

The two-passenger E-Fan 2.0 will be followed up by the four-passenger E-Fan

Americans are just warming up the idea of an all-electric car for everyday
use, but how does the aviation community feel about an all-electric
airplane? Airbus, which makes the hulking A380 superjumbo and A350 XWB
commercial airliners, is looking to pique the interest of recreational
pilots around the world with its E-Fan 2.0 prototype. Airbus demonstrated
its “green” aircraft last week at the Farnborough International Airshow in
the UK.
Whereas the A380 has a wingspan of 262 feet and can theoretically carry up
to 853 people, the diminutive E-Fan 2.0 has a wingspan of just 31 feet and
carries 2 passengers. The all-electric aircraft actually contains three
electric motors, one of which is mounted within its front wheel for taxiing.
The 6 kW motor can power the E-Fan 2.0 up to 37 mph on the runway, which
aids in efficiency and noise reduction.

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