EVLN: CA AB2565 allows $1M-insured rental-tenants to install EVSE

California landlords must approve EV charge points
Clean autos get boost in 3 CA bills

California giving electric car owning tenants right to install charging
by David Herron  August 26, 2014

[image] (Gov Brown) - Official State of California portrait

Governor Brown expected to sign AB-2565 which gives tenants more rights to
request charging stations.

On Monday, the California Legislature sent Gov. Brown a law meant to ease a
big electric car adoption hurdle. The law, AB-2565, which passed in the
California Senate on Monday after earlier approval by the House, will
require landlords of rental properties to allow tenants to install electric
car charging stations, in certain circumstances, and if the tenant meets
some pretty stiff requirements.

Access to electricity at home is a fundamental need for successfully owning
an electric car. Charging an electric car at home means the car is always
fully charged when going out, and the charging time doesn't consume your
personal time. Those who cannot charge at home have to instead charge at
public charging stations, making it harder to arrange ones schedule to be
doing something else while charging the car.

People who rent frequently cannot arrange to have a charging station at
home. The typical apartment complex is simply not designed to position ones
parking space next to the apartment, making it difficult to connect
electricity in the parking lot to the tenants electricity bill. Many
apartment buildings have parking which simply does not have nearby
electricity, or else the electricity is paid by the landlord with no way to
bill the tenant. Finally, landlords are reluctant to invest in electric car
charging support when tenants frequently move away anyway.

AB-2565 - Rental property: electric vehicle charging stations - would change
all this. Tenants will be able to request, in writing, to install a charging
station and if a number of conditions are met the landlord is require to
allow the charging station installation.

With more people able to successfully own electric cars, by enabling renters
to have charging stations, the electric vehicle adoption rate should

However, the requirements are pretty stiff. Under AB-2565, tenants have to
provide a written plan detailing the installation, use, modification, and
removal of the charging station, as well as a financial analysis, and to pay
for a $1 million insurance policy.

The bill has been sent to Gov. Brown's office for his signature, which he
must do by Sept. 30. Gov. Brown is a strong supporter of electric vehicles
and is likely to sign the bill. Assuming he does so, the bill goes into
effect for leases started or renewed after July 1, 2015.

On Tuesday, ChargePoint issued this statement:

    AB2565 will give tenants the right to install electric vehicle (EV)
charging stations at their home or business if the tenant is willing to pay
for the installation. Today, lease restrictions often times add financial
burden or even stop tenants from installing charging stations at all.
ChargePoint has worked with Assemblymember Murastuschi, prior opponents and
longtime supporters in drafting AB 2565. ChargePoint’s CEO, Pasquale Romano
had the following to say:

    “The widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is driven by access
to EV charging. AB 2565 is critical to expanding access to charging around
the state, including to the more than 40% of Californians who live in
multifamily housing. This bill fosters the EV industry and drives the state
toward Governor Brown’s goal of 1.5 million zero emission vehicles by 2025.
In addition, local economies throughout California will benefit from the
employment opportunities created as the industry grows. I thank
Assemblymember Muratsuchi and Senate Floor Manager Kevin de Leónfor their
strong support of the EV industry, and I urge the Governor to add his
signature to this legislation.”

    California is the largest market for EVs in the U.S., representing over
one third of national sales. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
estimates that between 1 million and 1.2 million public, workplace and
residential charging stations are needed statewide by 2020. Governor Brown
has until September 30 to sign AB 2565 into law.
[© examiner.com]
California apartment renters will soon be able to install electric car
charging stations
August 26, 2014
AB-2565 Rental property: electric vehicle charging stations

California landlords must approve EV charge points
by Alex Grant  27 Aug 2014

Landlords will have to approve applications to install a charging point

Landlords in California will have to approve tenants’ applications to
install an electric vehicle charging point, under a new bill approved in the
senate this week.

Bill AB 2565 was passed 52 votes to 25, and will void any terms in leases
renewed or extended from 1st January 2015 which would otherwise prohibit a
charging point being installed at a property.

Instead, landlords will have to approve applications to install the charger
in an allotted parking space at the property. The only exclusions are
rent-controlled properties, car parks where 10% of spaces already have a
charging point, or where there are less than five parking spaces such as in
an apartment block.

Properties where a parking space is not included are also not covered by the
bill, but landlords can designate an electric vehicle space and add this to
the cost of the lease.

Tenants must apply in writing, and all installations must comply with
federal, state and local laws. Responsibility for the installation,
maintenance, repair and removal of the unit and supporting wiring also falls
on the tenant, who must have a $1,000,000 general liability insurance policy
to cover its use.
[© evfleetworld.co.uk]
Clean autos get boost in 3 CA bills
By Jerry Hirsch  [2014-08-27]
Million Electric Vehicle Bill Sent to Governor Brown
Max Baumhefner  August 28, 2014

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