My No-Regrets, Enthusiastic Transition to Driving an EV
August 3, 2018  Ken Kimmell


It is summertime.  I want to take a brief respite from the horrific news
that dominates the headlines and public debate, and let you in on for what
many may be a secret:

Electric cars rock.

In February, I took out a three-year lease on an all electric Chevy Bolt EV
(confusingly named because its cousin, a Chevy Volt, is a hybrid
electric/gas car).  I’ve had the car for about six months.  Here is what I
have learned.

It is really fun to drive.  Because an electric motor rotates with much
higher variability than its gas-fired counterpart, it does not need gears.
This means it ramps up very quickly and very linearly—no peaks and valleys
as you drive up a highway ramp and merge into traffic, for example. 
Similarly, the car uses “regenerative braking”—the motor takes the kinetic
energy from slowing down or stopping and transfers it back to the battery. 
This means that the car comes to a gradual, smooth stop when you take your
foot off the pedal, and when you get used to this “one-pedal system,” you
use the brake only for the relatively rare unexpected need to stop quickly. 
Driving an EV is like ice skating rather than walking/running—easier to get
torque when you start out, more like a glide when you are level speed, and a
much smoother stop.

It is more, not less, convenient than a gasoline-powered car.  I installed a
“Level Two” charger in my garage.  This required an electrician to wire an
outlet for 220 volts (the same as what a typical dryer requires), and
install a charger which I purchased.  I charge the car once or twice a week
overnight.  Plugging it in takes about five seconds, and the charging takes
between 4-8 hours.  When I wake up, the battery is full.  No more trips to
the gas station.  It will go between 200-280 miles on a full charge,
depending upon weather (cold New England days decrease the range) and
driving (highway driving uses more energy than city driving).  Because of
the long range, I rarely need to use public charging stations while on the
road.  I’ve used them five times since I leased the car, typically to add
about fifty miles of range.  This takes about twenty minutes of charging
time, which I use to stretch, get a cup of coffee or answer e-mails.   For
the most part, these public charging stations are strategically located
along major roadways, and easy to locate and use with apps on my phone.

It is more affordable than you think. The Chevy Bolt lists for about
$37,000, which is too high a price for many to afford.  However, there is a
federal tax credit of $7500.  Officially, that tax credit only applies if
you buy rather than lease the car, but many dealers will pass the value of
the tax credit on in a lease.  In some states, like Massachusetts where I
live, there is an additional rebate of $2500 which applies to purchases or
leases.  The bottom line is that I paid $2500 down for a three year lease,
got that down payment back from the MA rebate program, and now pay
$240/month in lease payments.  At the same time, I am saving about $60/month
in fueling costs, as electricity cost per mile is less than half of 
gasoline, even in a state like Massachusetts that has relatively high
electricity costs and relatively low gas prices.  And not paying for oil
changes, air filters, belts, brake pads and many other maintenance expenses
for a gas-fired car also saves money.

It feels really good not to cause unnecessary pollution.  It is a challenge
to identify things you can do in your personal life to lower your carbon
footprint.   For example, carbon-intensive air plane trips is a must for me,
as my job requires a lot of travel.  And some other options, such as rooftop
solar, are not viable for me due to the orientation of my house and
surrounding foliage.  But according to the Department of Energy, the
electricity I use for driving my car generates about 3500 pounds of
greenhouse gases per year, while an average gas-fired car generates 11,500. 
That is a difference of about 4 tons per year of emissions.  To put that in
perspective, the average resident of Massachusetts has a carbon footprint of
about 10 tons per year.  Simply shifting to an electric car drops my carbon
footprint by approximately forty percent.  Or to put it another way,
according to UCS data, I am driving the equivalent of a gas-fired car that
gets over 100 miles per gallon.
A lot more work needs to be done to scale up and broaden access to EV’s

As UCS’s president, I was obviously very motivated to drive an electric car. 
But going through all the steps made me realize that we must do a lot more
to persuade and assist people who might not have my level of motivation or
income.  Here are some of the most important barriers we must remove.

Affordability.  While the Chevy Bolt EV is not a luxury car, the price is
still out of reach for many Americans.  And the $7500 tax credit, while very
helpful for some, fully benefits only those that pay taxes of $7500 or more–
i.e., families that earn more than about $63,000 per year.  Moreover, that
tax credit only applies to new cars; this typically is not going to reach
those of lower incomes who buy used cars.  And, it is set to start expiring
for some of the car makers, such as GM, who have sold 200,000 or more
electric cars.  A high priority must be to extend that tax credit on the
federal level and expand upon it at the state level to effectively encourage
moderate and lower income drivers to make the switch.  Many expect that by
the mid-2020’s no such subsidy will be needed, as falling battery costs will
allow EV’s to reach cost parity.  But we are not there yet.

Practicality.  What makes an electric vehicle super convenient for me is
that I can plug it in night in my garage.  Yet many don’t have this option.
To make electric cars suitable for a larger range of drivers, we need to
make a significant investment in very fast public charging stations, located
in convenient places such as shopping malls, libraries, town centers,
apartment buildings and workplaces, among others.  Funding for some of those
investments will come from the Volkswagen settlement, in which VW has agreed
to settle claims over its fraudulent emissions testing by expending over $2
billion in EV infrastructure, outreach and education.  Some utility
companies are also starting to invest in charging infrastructure,
recognizing that the growth of an electric vehicle market will add business
opportunities for them.  But governments will also need to play a role in
making EV’s accessible, and will need to identify new sources of funding,
such as revenues from a cap and invest program for transportation.

Education and One Stop Shopping.  It took a lot of time to sort out all the
practical aspects of owning an EV.  While there are helpful websites, I
still had to do significant research to figure out, for example, what type
of charger I would need for my home and how to find a good electrician.  I
was motivated enough to overcome those obstacles, but for someone who
doesn’t have my level of motivation, having to figure all this out might
make an EV a non-starter.  To overcome the hassle factor, we need to make EV
ownership very easy.  For example, just as utility companies provide
one-stop shopping energy efficiency services, they can be tasked with
installing home charging stations.

The past six months of EV driving has been illuminating for me.  It has
shown me that the technology is here now, and it is a pleasure to take
advantage of it.  But what is needed now is a surge of political will to
make the necessary investments to scale up usage, and a stepped-up
commitment from automakers to build and market a wide range of EV’s that are
affordable and meet the needs of all drivers.
Electric cars for everyone—someday
August 3, 2018  Ken Kimmell, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists
(UCS), is very glad he decided in February to lease an electric vehicle …

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