How EV Chargers and Energy Storage Can Make Good Grid Partners
Jeff St. John  July 21, 2015

(energy storage up on wall, behind EVSE)
(energy use chart)

How Electric Cars Could Make or Break the Power Grid 
Rewired  Jul 10, 2015
Electric vehicle sales have grown exponentially in recent years. Today,
there are more than two dozen plug-in cars on the market, and dozens more
are set to hit showrooms before the end of the decade.

ChargePoint and Green Charge link batteries and public EV chargers to limit
demand charges and make loads more flexible.

 Plug-in electric vehicles could be a major challenge or a major resource,
according to the utilities plotting ways to turn EV charging stations into
smart, grid-responsive resources. But the first steps toward making EV
charging an asset may come not from fancy vehicle-to-grid (V2G) policies and
programs, but from the demand charges that penalize utility customers for
spikes in their electricity consumption.

 EV chargers are one new electric load that can potentially create big new
spikes in demand, which is putting pressure on EV charging station hosts to
do something about their impact on the grid. And behind-the-meter batteries
could be a useful solution to that problem.

 That's what ChargePoint and Green Charge Networks say, at least. The two
startups announced Tuesday that they’re teaming up, with ChargePoint
offering its EV charging station network customers a quick solution to
demand charges via Green Charge’s energy storage systems.

 The two have already been running in tandem for months in Redwood City,
Calif., where they’ve backed up five EV chargers, including two DC-powered
fast chargers, with batteries that have helped reduce the city’s demand
charges to the tune of about $7,000 per year, said Green Charge CEO Vic

 Below is a screenshot from Green Charge's system, showing how one of its
GreenStation units backing a charging station at Redwood City's public
library capped what otherwise would have been demand-charge-inducing spikes
in grid consumption with the use of injected battery power. 

 Companies like Green Charge, Stem, Coda Energy and the dynamic duo of Tesla
and SolarCity have been installing lithium-ion battery systems in buildings
for similar demand charge management purposes, with California and New York
as key markets.

 But as EV ownership rises, and more cities and businesses look to install
charging gear to support them, plug-in EV parking lots may become the next
logical extension of the business model.

 “We’re looking at many other locations, particularly in California, where
demand charges are high,” said Rich Quattrini, ChargePoint’s senior director
of business development. “Because we don’t own the stations in most cases,
we’re recommending Green Charge Networks to help offset the operational
costs wherever demand charges are high.”

DC charging stations, which can pump up to 50 kilowatts at a time to fill up
an EV’s battery in about 30 minutes, are particularly problematic from a
demand-charge perspective, he noted. Whereas a parking lot full of 240-watt
Level 2 chargers tends to see enough cars plugging in and unplugging over a
day to yield a fairly predictable and steady load, a single DC charger will
see an unpredictable number of EVs roll in for quick charge-ups over the
course of a day, leading to a far “spikier” profile, he said.

 Green Charge’s first Department of Energy-backed pilot projects in New York
City included several EV charging systems at rental car agencies, which gave
the startup a chance to learn how to manage these unpredictable spikes, Shao
noted. It’s already backing up NRG Energy’s eVgo charging stations in
California, including several schools and 7-Eleven store sites.

 “EV chargers add volatility and unpredictability to a building,” he said.
“These are all conditions that Green Charge loves, because they’re the exact
conditions our system was built to tackle.”

 These are the same kinds of spikes and surges in electricity demand that
make utilities concerned about EVs, by the way. At a local level, several
EVs plugged in at once could overload local transformers and grid circuits.
DC charging stations, which often require upgrades to electric
infrastructure, may be a bit more predictable on this front than the
lower-level chargers being installed in garages by new EV owners.

 On a system-wide level, EV charging could cause significant shifts in
customer consumption patterns that require changes in utility planning to
manage. Utilities in EV-rich states like California are striving to get
residential customers to at least inform them when they’ve bought a new EV,
and hopefully sign them up for special EV tariffs that encourage charging at
off-peak hours to reduce the strain they could end up placing on the grid.

 At the same time, utilities are looking at EVs as a major source of new
electricity sales revenue, as well as a grid management resource.
California’s three big investor-owned utilities are seeking regulator
permission to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on EV charging
infrastructure deployments, with an eye on making sure that the charging
gear in question can respond to grid needs.

 DC chargers may be the primary target for battery backup, but lower-level
chargers can also make use of energy storage. Last year, Panasonic partnered
with Powertree Services to combine batteries, solar panels and EV chargers
at multi-unit residential buildings in San Francisco. People who live in
apartments and condos may want EV charging in their garage, but building
owners have to pay the electric bills, including the potential jumps in
demand charges that could come with the significant new loads they

 ChargePoint is also doing EV chargers for multi-family buildings, providing
a service agreement that combines equipment and installation costs and
customer service via its mobile apps for EV drivers. It hasn’t yet tapped
Green Charge for any of those projects, but should demand-charge concerns
come up in the course of rolling them out, “We might have a solution for
it,” Quattrini said.

 ChargePoint finances EV charging system and installation costs for
commercial customers through a partnership with Key Equipment Finance,
helping to ease the upfront costs for companies or businesses wanting to
support EV drivers. Those leases don’t include covering the cost of
electricity, he noted.

 But Green Charge’s financing partnership with K Road DG does offer
no-money-down installation of its GreenStation systems, which it then pays
off through a shared savings agreement with customers. Because Green Charge
manages both EV chargers and the buildings they’re connected to, the task of
injecting battery power to mitigate demand spikes “becomes a little bit more
complex,” he said. “That’s where we rely on Green Charge’s expertise to
evaluate that, and bring the deal home.”

 It’s unclear just where batteries could serve a crucial role in enabling EV
chargers to fulfill these utility-facing tasks, versus those where more
simple charging schedules or emergency shutoff controls would do the trick.
“A lot of factors are involved” in assessing which sites are right for
battery backup, Quattrini said. “One is the utilization rate of the station,
and that’s going to vary over time.”

 But it’s possible that batteries installed to meet customer demand charge
goals could eventually find uses for utility needs. “We believe as EVs gain
traction going forward that energy storage is a very necessary component of
the infrastructure,” Shao said. “I think that commercial and industrial
customers really need to have a solution -- not just chargers, not just
energy storage, but a comprehensive solution, to meet all their needs.” 

 Watch GTM's Rewired for an overview of how electric vehicles could provide
both challenges and opportunities for utilities.
The Transportation Grid: How utilities can drive the future of transport 
By Patty Monahan and Dan Adler | July 20, 2015

(multiple EVSE)

Editor's Note: The following is a guest post by Patricia Monahan and Dan
Adler. Patricia is the director of the transportation program at the Energy
Foundation, and was previously a senior analyst at the Union of Concerned
Scientists and a team lead at the Environmental Protection Agency. Dan is
vice president of power strategies at the Energy Foundation and was formerly
a managing director at the California Clean Energy Fund and senior staffer
at the California Public Utilities Commission.

In this guest post, Patty Monahan and Dan Adler lay out a blueprint for
utility leadership in electric transportation

"The Stone Age came to an end, not because we had a lack of stones, and the
oil age will come to an end not because we have a lack of oil." — former
Saudi oil minister Sheikh Yamani 

When it comes to how we fuel our cars and trucks, America is standing at an
inflection point. The electrification of our system of personal transport,
which for many years was little more than a visionary theory, is now in its
initial stages of design and implementation; with the right policies, the
bulk of our passenger vehicles could shift from being fueled by oil and gas,
to being powered by electricity.

If transport electrification is truly a question of “when,” rather than
“if,” it poses some profound - and immediate - questions for the electricity
sector, and, in particular, electric utilities. Because of the vast
infrastructure needed to charge electric vehicles (EVs), utilities may in
fact hold the keys to accelerating their deployment. And as a side benefit
to accelerating EV deployment, utilities could see increased energy demand
and revenue growth.

An outcome that favors both utilities and consumers is not, however, a
given. The way utilities structure EV charging rates, and the strategies
they use to integrate “smart” vehicle charging with existing and emergent
programs and technologies, will determine the extent to which utilities set
up a “win-win-win” situation - for the economy, for consumers, and for their
own business.

As utilities around the country experiment with EV grid integration, a
growing body of evidence is pointing to a set of best practices that ensure
EVs have a positive impact on the grid, offer benefits to ratepayers, and
address urgent public health and environmental issues. Utilities who choose
these approaches may eventually come to be seen as the key players ushering
us out of the oil age, and into the age of electrified transport. 

The Utility of the Future
Across the United States, utilities, grid managers, ratepayer advocates and
electric vehicle (EV) innovators are experimenting with new policies and
incentives for EVs that, when observed in aggregate, are on their way to
bringing electric vehicles out of their niche, and into large-scale consumer

While these conversations are still nascent, they fit squarely in the
emerging debates about the “utility of the future” taking shape in New York,
Minnesota and elsewhere. Some initial findings suggest that tomorrow’s
electric utilities will be rewarded for integrating EVs and the related host
of new energy technologies and services — technologies and services that are
clean, reliable, affordable, and attractive to consumers.

As more utilities realize the potential value of EVs to their bottom line,
and as more EV manufacturers grasp the importance of the electric grid for
vehicle sales, we may see a perfect storm of convergence that will
facilitate a sea change away from the internal combustion engine and toward
a transportation system that is powered predominantly by electricity.

Several important variables will determine which set of actors ultimately
get to play the lead roles in accelerating a transition to electric drive.
All evidence suggests that utilities are the front runner. But a lot is
riding on the path they choose.

A growing body of empirical evidence from Energy Foundation partners and
others suggests that, with the right policies in place, utilities are
uniquely positioned to help oversee the vast network of charging stations,
set prices, and structure and manage various EV incentive programs. They’re
also in an ideal position to play the role of “referee” for the various
technologies that will be deployed in service of electric vehicles - making
sure that the full suite of technologies meet rigorous standards for
engineering, grid compatibility and interoperability with other systems. 

The fact is, no single entity or group of companies has more experience
managing the development and deployment of large-scale electric
infrastructure than electric utilities. With the right policies in place,
utilities may well prove to be the lynchpin to developing a nationwide
network of charging stations to rival today’s gasoline stations. 

We’re already witnessing an uptick in related activity - and not just in
places like California and Washington state, both of which have aggressive
goals for vehicle electrification.

Utilities in Alabama, Michigan, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, Indiana,
Vermont, Florida, and Minnesota are all experimenting with various programs
to incentivize electric vehicle deployment. The range of policy experiments
is what you might expect in our diverse, federalist system; and of course,
some policies are more effective than others. But while each state’s program
has its own unique attributes, there are some common themes that suggest an
emergent pattern of best practices:
Use Time of Use pricing to encourage off-peak charging 

Like most passenger cars, most EVs are only in use a few hours per day, when
drivers are going to and from work, or running errands; the rest of the time
– between 20 and 22 hours per day, according to US Department of
Transportation - they sit idle. 

The average car’s idleness presents an opportunity to use price signals to
encourage charging during off-peak hours. Several studies have found that,
by using time of use pricing for EV charging stations, utilities can get
owners to charge their vehicles during periods of low power demand. The
benefits of such price signals are substantial: When EVs are charged off
peak, consumers face lower energy prices, and utilities increase revenues
without the need to invest in new grid or generating capacity. 

Already, a growing body of evidence points to the ability of TOU rates to
enhance the EV value proposition for consumers and power companies:

In Virginia and North Carolina, Dominion Resources is running a pilot
project, to determine how TOU pricing may influence vehicle charging

According to the California Transportation Electrification Assessment, the
net benefit to utilities, which could be recycled back to all ratepayers,
varies from $2800 to $9,800 over the life of the electric vehicle, depending
on the rate structure. These benefits occur by charging EVs at off-peak when
capacity utilization is low. The report found, “additional revenue from PEV
charging exceeds the marginal costs to deliver electricity to the customer,
providing positive net revenues that put downward pressure on rates.” 

The U.S. Department of Energy’s EV Project found that TOU pricing pushes the
majority of EV charging into off-peak hours: “In regions where the electric
utility provided TOU rates, the driver typically programmed the EVSE or PEV
to begin charging at the time the lower rate started.” In regions that
didn’t have TOU pricing, the EV Project found that EV owners plugged in
their vehicles in the early evening, when capacity utilization is often
high. The rate structure is a key factor in determining whether EVs are good
or bad for the grid. 
Use smart charging of EVs to increase grid flexibility, reduce rates

As everyone in the electricity business knows, the rapid growth of variable
renewable energy will eventually lead to technical challenges with grid
integration. Through the use of smart charging and related technologies,
utilities can actually use their customers’ EVs to enhance grid flexibility
– while reducing rates for all ratepayers. When combined with smart meters,
sub-meters, and advanced controls, utilities can turn EVs into the
equivalent of a “utility infielder” for the grid.

Most scenarios for very high renewable energy penetration envision some form
of rapid-dispatch storage that can absorb excess generation during periods
of high solar or wind output, and feed it back to the grid during low
generation. Theoretically, smart charging for EV could enable EVs to be
charged when there is excess generation from renewables. 

Over the longer term, the batteries being developed for EV penetration could
become an integral component of the distribution system.  Research continues
to determine if it’s possible that EVs (and their used batteries) could feed
energy back to the grid, known as vehicle to grid (V2G). But there are major
barriers to using EVs to provide power to the grid, since doing so may
degrade battery life and may void vehicle warranties. 

EV charging stations can also be set up to participate in demand response
programs. Because individual EV batteries are too small to provide
utility-scale benefits, the concept will likely require utilities to
aggregate multiple EVs, such as fleets, into pools of dispatchable power
that range from 0.1 to 1 MW in size. But there are clear advantages to doing
so: EV batteries ramp very rapidly, and can provide ancillary services like
any other fast-ramping source. 

In a recent pilot project, GM’s OnStar division worked with PJM
Interconnection, the world’s largest competitive wholesale electricity
market, to coordinate EV charging to coincide with times of high renewable
energy production - in particular, overnight wind power production. By
informing OnStar when renewable resources were available on the grid, PJM
showed that it’s possible to shift EV charging to be powered primarily by
renewable energy, resulting in substantial air quality benefits and reducing
the carbon footprint of vehicle charging. 

While there are still many policy and related issues to be addressed in
deploying such a system, the hurdles are no longer technical in nature:

To enable a grid-interactive vehicle system to move forward in which EVs are
serving as resources in wholesale markets, regulators, ISO/RTOs, utilities,
and other stakeholders will need to make decisions about how these systems
should be structured to clarify ownership and participation. A clearly
defined program in which customers understand what they are signing up for
and how they benefit from participating will be necessary.
Rate-base charging stations for maximum benefit

As recently as 2011, regulators in California opposed utility ownership of
charging stations, out of fear that such a move would stifle innovation and
competition. But with a few years of experience under their belts, the
California PUC is now headed in the opposite direction.

With the benefit of hindsight, the reasons are fairly straightforward: EV
charging stations must integrate with the grid seamlessly, and meet the same
rigorous standards for safety and reliability required of utilities. If
states are to truly push the large-scale deployment of EVs, they’ll need to
turn to utilities as the most experienced operator. 

But, as the old saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.
Utilities, EV owners, and the broader public all stand to gain substantial
benefits from the large-scale development of EV charging stations. The
policies that empower utilities to collect the revenues and invest in the
needed EV infrastructure must therefore ensure those benefits are properly
distributed - and don’t result in market distortions that hinder other
objectives, such as encouraging continuous technological innovation,
fostering new business opportunities for service providers, enhancing
environmental performance, and extending the benefits of vehicle
electrification to all.

As states begins to address the carbon emissions that cause climate change,
there will need to be an even greater focus on the transportation sector as
a major source of this pollution. By embracing vehicle electrification and
the related need for new infrastructure, utilities stand to help solve the
challenge of decarbonizing the transport sector. But that means they’ll also
need to continue addressing carbon emissions from their core operations, and
not simply shift the proximate cause of emissions from stationary to mobile

There are many challenges that lie ahead - we’ll need to properly structure
utility policies, while continuing to entice consumers to purchase electric
vehicles through rebates, incentives, and other programs. But all signs
point to utilities having a central role in the effort to bring human
mobility out of the oil age, and into the era of vehicle electrification.
[© 2015 Industry Dive]

AEP: More electric cars could mean big changes for power demand
Jul 20, 2015  Tom Knox 

Electric cars like the Tesla P85 may put more demand on power companies.

American Electric Power Company Inc. is keeping a close watch on the
proliferation on electric vehicles.

The Columbus-based utility will be impacted as companies – most notably
Tesla Motors Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) – continue to build better electric cars.

“If you do electrify the automotive fleet, that’s a huge change in the
demand cycle,” AEP COO Bob Powers told me.

Last year more than 123,000 plug-in electric vehicles were sold in the U.S.,
a sliver of the total 16.5 million new vehicles to hit American roads. But
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is viewed as a visionary, and his company's vehicles
keep improving their battery life and price.

More vehicles means much more power used on AEP’s considerable grid. Powers
laid out a scenario in a typical subdivision: There’s one homeowner with a
standard 85 kilowatt-hour Tesla S vehicle who wants to use high-power
charging to quickly charge the battery. In that case, he said, AEP probably
wouldn’t have to do anything to its distribution system – the
neighborhood-level power poles and transformers.

If one or two other neighbors wanted to fast-charge a battery to boost it in
a couple of hours, however, “We would have to make upgrades to the
distribution system to not, basically, have it go out on overload,” Powers

The company needs to improve its communication so consumers can let AEP know
if Teslas are moving in to their area, Powers said. It could use Big Data to
predict which neighborhoods are likely to use electric cars so AEP can start
planning for new substations to support them.

Smart meters would make power surges easier to react to. In Central Ohio,
the company has rolled out more than 130,000 but still has nearly 900,000 to
go. The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio is still working with AEP on the
rollout. One of the issues is what AEP can charge customers who want to
opt-out of a smart meter. AEP had proposed $31 a month but recently agreed
to lower it to $24 after complaints from consumer groups.

“I would think if the world goes toward more electric vehicles, you’d see a
clarion call not only on our part but the customers’ part to get smarter
meters out to help understand what’s going on out there,” Powers said.
Electric vehicles for power companies
By David Shaffer  July 25, 2015

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