'WVATDealers Assoc. gave $419,608 to 331 different WV officeholders'
% Politically powerful WVATDA bought the votes against Tesla %

For Tesla, a Fight to Sell in Some States
December 16, 2015  Elaine S. Povich

Should Tesla and other auto companies be allowed to sell directly to
consumers? Some states say no.

When Tesla Motors Inc., the high-end electric carmaker, wanted to set up
shop in West Virginia, it ran into a serious roadblock: car dealers.

Tesla sells its cars directly to consumers through stores operated by the
carmaker. That leaves dealers out of the mix. And in West Virginia, like
many other states, they’re a powerful political force. After car dealers
weighed in strongly against Tesla’s plans, the state this year joined four
others — Connecticut, Michigan, Texas and Utah — that ban direct retail
sales of Teslas and any other autos sold directly by a manufacturer.

The company has been allowed to open stores in about 20 states. Some states,
including Maryland, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania, have approved laws
affirmatively allowing direct-to-consumer auto sales, which lets Tesla open
stores and sell its electric cars. Maryland limited the outlets to four in
the state, however. Several other states also have limits, though many do

Tesla, ... hasn’t actively tried to sell its vehicles in the other half of
the states.

The reasons for the restrictions vary, but they all stem from 1930s-era laws
that were aimed at prohibiting big manufacturers like Ford and General
Motors from selling directly to consumers and bypassing dealerships. The
fear was the big manufacturers would undercut the dealers on prices, drive
them out of business and lessen competition.

Since then, more car companies have sprung up across the globe and their
dealers have become politically powerful — hiring many people, contributing
to charities, paying property taxes, and collecting state and local sales
taxes and fees.

Car dealers also contribute to political campaigns. And across the country,
they have worked to keep out direct manufacturer sales, which means nearly
all new cars, foreign or domestic, sold in the U.S. are sold through
dealers. Popular foreign carmakers such as Toyota, Volvo and Honda have
partnered with many dealers to sell their products, so you get dealers that
sell, say, both Fords and Hondas.

Tesla says more than 25,000 of its cars are on the road, despite the $70,000
price tag. The company faces many challenges, such as persuading consumers
to spend that much and to buy electric vehicles, and getting enough charging
stations up and running across the country. But selling cars the way it
wants is also a big issue.

Winning the “right to distribute the cars directly to consumers” is one of
the company’s biggest challenges, Daniel Crane, associate dean of the
University of Michigan Law School, wrote in a February paper. “Tesla is
fighting a multi-state, multi-front battle in state legislatures, regulatory
commissions, and courts just for the right to distribute and service its
products,” he said.

It’s a battle, Crane said in an interview, that Tesla eventually will win.

“State by state, this is being confronted,” he said, and the majority of
states have not blocked Tesla.

West Virginia Roadblock

The West Virginia law signed this year by Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, a Democrat,
says vehicle manufacturers may not “act in the capacity of a new motor
vehicle dealer” or operate a dealership, or even display a vehicle unless
the display is part of an auto trade show with other dealers.

The bill was sponsored by state Sen. Mike Woelfel, a Democrat, but much
attention was paid to state Senate President William Cole, a Republican who
didn’t vote on the bill. He’s a car dealer in West Virginia and Kentucky.
Tesla officials, environmental websites, green car blogs, automobile
magazines and others have all attributed the ban to Cole’s influence.

“It was no surprise in West Virginia,” said Jim Chen, vice president of
regulatory affairs for Tesla, in an interview. “The new Senate president is
a car dealer.”

But Woelfel, in an interview, said it wasn’t Cole’s doing, and pointed to
the unanimous support the measure received in the Senate to suggest Cole’s
influence wasn’t needed. Cole’s spokeswoman, Jacque Bland, said neither he
nor anyone in the office would comment on the Tesla bill.

The West Virginia Automobile & Truck Dealers Association, however, already
had made its presence known. In addition to testifying for Woelfel’s bill at
legislative hearings, the trade association gave $419,608 to 331 different
West Virginia officeholders in 15 years, including both Democrats and
Republicans in the Legislature, according to the National Institute on Money
in State Politics, which tracks state political contributions. By contrast,
the West Virginia Association of Realtors gave about half as much in 14

Woelfel said his bill was not meant to exclude a specific auto manufacturer.
“We welcome new businesses in our state,” he said. But he said Tesla was not
willing to set up a traditional dealership, with new sales, used car sales
and a repair facility like old-school dealers. “Our dealerships … do a lot
of good in the community,” Woelfel said.

Tesla’s Chen said the old-fashioned dealership model doesn’t work for his
company, which is based in California. Tesla customers spend hours just
learning about how an electric car works before they ever decide to buy one,
he said.

In addition, he said, while traditional dealers make much money on service
and repairs, repairing Teslas is not very lucrative. Each vehicle has an
eight-year warranty, and with fewer moving parts, there’s less to repair.
Repairs are handled at centralized sites, not individual dealerships.

“You do need to change tires,” Chen said, “but there’s so much less that can
go wrong. With the service network we have now, we have more than enough.”

West Virginians can still buy Teslas. They just have to go to neighboring
states like Maryland, Ohio and Virginia, or to the District of Columbia, to
do so ...

Tesla Wins Some, Too

Tesla has had some recent successes. The company got permission to sell
direct with new laws in New Jersey, Maryland and Georgia last year. Chen
said those states acted on different philosophies: Maryland, generally a
liberal state politically, liked the emissions-free technology of electric
cars, he said, while conservative Georgia was more motivated by the ideas of
free markets and competition.

Tesla also has won several court cases granting it permission to sell cars
directly. A Massachusetts court ruled that traditional auto dealers did not
have standing to bring a case against Tesla. A New York court said the
dealers could not prove sufficient injury from the competition.

The Federal Trade Commission has backed the direct-to-consumer sales model,
adding it’s not just about Tesla. In a blog posted on the FTC website,
agency staffers said consumers “may benefit from the ability to buy cars
directly from manufacturers — whether they are shopping for luxury cars or
economy vehicles.”

The FTC officials also weighed in on the debate this year in Michigan, home
to Ford and GM and where lawmakers were considering a plan by Elio Motors —
which plans to manufacture a low-cost, high-mileage, three-wheeled vehicle —
to sell its cars directly to buyers for a base price of $6,800. The Elio
sales are “likely to promote competition and benefit consumers,” the FTC
wrote in a letter to state lawmakers.

But a study by the Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal and Economic Public
Policy Studies, a conservative think tank, said direct auto sales by
manufacturers would result in higher prices to consumers as competition from
manufacturers drives out local dealers.

Michigan’s Republican Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation last year
explicitly underscoring the state’s longtime prohibition against selling
cars in any way other than through a system of licensed local car dealers.

Undeterred, Tesla will be renewing some of its battles in 2016. “We’re
heading back to Michigan and Connecticut,” Chen said. “There’s a strategy to
be developed.”

Despite this year’s bill, Tesla may not be shut out of Michigan forever.
Snyder still is “very open to discussing” the business model of car sales in
the state, spokesman Dave Murray said in an email.

“We should always be willing to re-examine our business and regulatory
practices with an eye toward improving the customer experience for our
residents and doing things in a more efficient and less-costly fashion,”
Murray said.

This story was originally published by Stateline. Stateline is a
nonpartisan, nonprofit news service of the Pew Charitable Trusts that
provides daily reporting and analysis on trends in state policy.
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