BMW i3 vs. Tesla Model S: Which Is The Top Electric Car?
December 25, 2015  Christopher Morris

Tesla Model S vs BMW i3

With traditional automakers increasingly indicating their intention to move
into the electric car niche, it is interesting to compare the BMW i3 vehicle
to the market-leading Tesla Model S. Tesla certainly has a major advantage
as the corporation has already established itself as the major player in the
electric vehicle marketplace. But BMW has a huge amount of experience and
prestige, and this could certainly assist the company in penetrating the
electric car niche.


Although the acceleration capabilities of the BMW i3 have been praised, it
still comes second best to the Model S in this department. Despite the
undoubtedly sporty feel of the BMW i3, the Model S is simply an outstanding
vehicle in performance and power terms, with the notorious CEO and founder
of the company, Elon Musk, having boasting about its capabilities before its
release. Nonetheless, it is not uncommon for drivers to favor the BMW i3
owing to its sporty driving style, with the Model S particularly well suited
to longer road trips.

Model 3 plus points

The Tesla Model S is reckoned to be the definitive electric car by many, and
has several advantages over the BMW i3. The first of these is that the
vehicle is considerably more spacious for those people wanting to ferry
around passengers and cargo. This possibly makes the Model S the more
practical of the two vehicles.

The Model S should also be commended for its charging capabilities. Firstly,
the vehicle has a significantly longer range than the i3, which obviously
makes it efficient in comparison to the BMW vehicle. The Model S also
benefits from supercharger access, meaning that charging the vehicle is made
even more convenient.

One of the most lauded Aspects of the Model S is the extremely sophisticated
and useful autopilot feature. This has received a strong critical reception,
and has also attracted praise from consumers, with the function making the
Model S an easier vehicle to drive than many of its competitors.

This feeling of ease of use is also enhanced by the outstanding infotainment
and navigation systems included in the vehicle. The days where it was simply
good enough to deliver a road car that gets people from A to B are long
gone, and entertainment features and technological innovations are now a
central part of every major vehicle. Tesla has set the bar very high in this
department, yet the corporation has also been in talks with Apple, seemingly
with the intention of improving its in-car technology even further.

BMW i3 advantages

But despite the fact that the Tesla Model S is one of the finest vehicles on
the market, not merely an outstanding electric car, there are also
advantages to the BMW i3 model. Although the Tesla Model S is generally
reckoned to outperform the BMW i3, the latter of the two vehicles does excel
in some departments. It is tough to take on such an outstanding vehicle as
the Model S, but BMW is an extremely experienced automaker, and has
delivered a vehicle with many superb features.

Firstly, and somewhat ironically, it is generally regarded that the BMW i3
is the greenest car available on the market. This is surprising considering
the green credentials of Tesla, but the lack of emissions produced by the
BMW i3 ensures that this is the ideal product for anyone wishing to be kind
to the earth. This environmentally friendly quality of the vehicle is
enhanced by the fact that it is also the most efficient car on the market.

The fact that the BMW i3 is also a subcompact car appeals to many motorists,
and the regenerative braking system included in the vehicle has also been
praised by many drivers and car critics alike.

Finally, one of the most obvious advantages of the BMW i3 is that it is the
more economical of the two vehicles, often by some distance. Whether one is
willing to pay the extra money for a Model 3 vehicle that certainly seems to
deliver additional quality is dependent on the individual, but thrifty
motorists will certainly relish the BMW i3.

Safety advantage

Nonetheless, although there are disadvantages to the Model S, perhaps the
decisive factor in its favor is that it is such a safe vehicle. While all
motorists wish to avoid accidents, it is well established that the Model S
is one of the very safest vehicles on the road. Coupled with its phenomenal
performance parameters, this does seem to give the vehicle the edge over the
BMW i3 at this point in time.

It is clear that the electric car marketplace is about to get a massive
boost, with BMW having announced the i6 for later this decade. Well, when
one says it later this decade, it should perhaps be more accurately
described as early next decade. Although the BMW i6 is expected to be
unveiled in 2019, a more likely release date for this new electric vehicle
is 2020, and even that may prove to be optimistic.

BMW has clearly decided that the electric car space will be an extremely
profitable niche in the future, and possibly the major global political
agreement on climate change will contribute to this impression. It is
perhaps the ideal time for the luxury car manufacturer to be moving into the
electric car niche, with its obvious German rival Volkswagen having
experienced such malaise recently.

Nonetheless, BMW will be up against some absolutely outstanding Tesla
vehicles, as well as an Apple Car, as the consumer electronics giant
continues to work on developing this product range. The Apple Car could
truly be a disruptive piece of technology, and considering the rumous that
Tesla will team up with Apple in some respect in the coming years, it does
intensify the need for traditional automakers to move into this marketplace

The BMW i3 is certainly an excellent attempt to do this, but for the time
being the Model S remains the definitive vehicle in this class. 

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