EVLN: Uber woos/helps (some) Electric drivers

Austin-TX Uber EV-pilot does not have an end date

EVLN EV newswire status ... My status ...

{I have one more day left on my week long SA trip. I should be back up north
(150+mi, 2.5hrs @a less-polluting 65mph. Yup, Texans like to drive too-fast,
seeking the next accident, just like CA drivers, only they do it in a
cowboy/outlaw style). I still have both: VA appointment's up north, and some
decisions to make. I'll need a permanent SA address (apt or home) if I move

BTW, Willie was (again) very kind and made time to let me come by his 180+
acre farm (it took me 3hrs driving east of sa, getting lost down little farm
roads, to find his place). We enjoyed a bit of a yak, and then he gave me a
golf e-cart tour of some of his acres.

At the end, I left quite enamored with (and wish I had), what Willie had:
acres, row-crop fields, wells, drip irrigation, mature TX native and planted
fruit trees, several grid-tied solar/PV arrays powering his buildings,
pumps, and his large assortment of EVs (both working, and a stored
historical account of defunct EVs that he used before. He could probably
sell some of the better looking ones to people as diy/conversion
fixer-uppers, but he might be just hanging on to them like former
EV-achievement trophies).}

I asked a Lyft driver ...
At a SA heb, a sedan-ice had the Lyft emblem emblazon on the center of its
dash for all to see. I corralled the driver into answering a couple of

He said Lyft didn't offer any EV-assistance like what I had described Uber
was offering, and he didn't know Uber was doing that. His 'proud to be a
Lyft driver, and Lyft is better than Uber' decorum/attitude was a bit shaken
when he found out Uber was providing EV benefits to Austin and other U.S.
city Uber drivers. 

I explained that I had been promoting EV since 1990 and when I do public
shows (like last year's SA NDEW @pearl brewery shopping center), I would be
able to use his views and experience to answer the public's EV questions.

After I ended our conversation, I thanked him for helping me help the public
(giving my time to give back to society). That put a smile on his face (like
it was him also doing a good-deed).

IMO, using plugshare.com to look at public L3 in SA and in Austin (1hr
north), Austin has plenty where as SA only has a couple located far out on
the fringe of the city. The Tesla superEVSE stops short of SA at just north
of SA in San Marcos. Also there are still more CHAdeMO than ccs L3 (not
balanced as it should be).

SA is an old, well established city with a large population. Uber should be
working with SA to increase its public CHAdeMO&ccs L3 EVSE stations. Then
Uber should offer SA Uber EV drivers the same EV assistance Austin Uber EV
drivers are getting.

(SA= San Antonio-TX, heb= major TX grocery chain everyone uses, L3= level-3
50kW/quick charging)
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