Mark:  Thanks for this.  I am not sure if it will help.  I agree with you that 
Tesla should have two or even 3 computers for full self driving.  If one were 
to glitch out, that is all that is preventing you or many others from being 
injured or killed.  Tesla has a 5 star safety rating.  So the passengers and 
driver will probably be ok but bystanders be aware.
EVDL:  I am the guy Mark was talking about.  Story time!  So my wife got in the 
1st Tesla accident.  FSD was on and she was driving.  She was fiddling with the 
sound system (or something) on the lovely screen that practically begs you to 
play with it and we were on a road we don't often go down.  It happened to be a 
T intersection with a stop sign.  She saw the stop sign too late and ran into a 
short wall.  This was before FSD registered stop signs and would have slowed 
down for a stop sign.  Such is our luck.  On the 2nd Tesla accident, I can't 
remember the details leading to the accident since I sustained a pretty bad 
head injury (enough to cause double vision for 6 months).  However we saw the 
dash cam footage which shows the car just driving off the road.  No change in 
speed or course correction.  I was given many tests after the accident to rule 
out some physical problem that may have caused me to lose consciousness.  There 
was no smoking gun that would say "Yes he lost consciousness because...".  I am 
lucky Tesla has that 5 star safety rating because other than the double vision 
I had no lasting injuries.  The people who were going to move the vehicle 
wanted to cut the vehicle at the battery.  Fortunately someone realized it was 
a Tesla and didn't do that which would have started a runaway fire.  
So lessons learned are exactly what folks have said about losing focus.  FSD is 
very good ALMOST all the time.  In that one case out of 1000+ the human must be 
ready to take over in a split second. I am still very hopeful for FSD to be 
solved. If any company can do it it will be Tesla at this point since they have 
the most data.  I think the super computer is just used for training the cars 
to get better and the more data they have the faster that will happen.  Waymo 
has a lovely system that only works in the geofenced area that is premapped and 
safe.   I agree with Lawrence that cameras should be all that is needed.  Radar 
was probably giving false signals.  Then there is question of priority.  The 
cameras see all clear but the radar sees something else like a leaf or snow or 
a rabbit.  Which one has priority?  
I am not sure where my focus was but it was not where it needed to be.  I was 
out of work for over 8 months and now I can't afford to replace the Tesla.  It 
is a great car.  Even after all that, I would probably get FSD again especially 
since it is improving so rapidly.  It is like having a front row seat watching 
our computer overlords take their first steps before they take over our lives.

   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: mark hanson <>To: 
'Mark Laity-Snyder' <>Sent: Friday, February 4, 2022, 
10:39:55 PM ESTSubject: Request Tesla crash data
Hi Mark,


I saw a few articles that Tesla will supply the crash data recorded in the 
vehicle: .  I think you said in both your 
cases, that the vehicle thought the self driving or auto pilot was off when it 
was actually on.  It needs at least 3 computers to vote for life critical 
operations, like self driving on a curvy road – glitch, drops out & goes 
straight, ok for a desk PC but not for a vehicle.  Seeing this thread go around 
on the EVlist again.


Have a renewable energy day,




Mark E. Hanson

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