> road wear is not the only social negative caused by vehicles.
> ... noise and air pollution are pretty close to the top.
> EVs have a positive impact on these factors.

Here's how we say it on this web page:

"EV's are getting free ride on the highways, but are paying a huge
environmental benefit.
Gas cars are paying for the roads, but are getting a free ride on the
environmental damage they cause."

Therefore ANY tax added to EVs to pay for the roads MUST in FAIRNESS also
be added to gas cars to pay for their environmental cost.  So, Raise the
gas tax!  And add an Environmental tax on gas.  Then, it is only fair that
we EV's be willing to pay the increase to cover the roads, but we don't
pay the environmental tax.

The federal gas tax has been about 1 cent per mile (19 cents per gallon
for a 19 MPG car) for decades.   Seems reasonable to at least double it to
20 cents per gallon to account for the more than 40 MPG we are headed for.
That way,  it remains about 1 cent per mile for road tax.

We EV's can pay that 1 cent/mile too for road use.  But now add on another
1c per mile to gas cars for the Environmental and carbon emissions to make
them pay for the damage they are causing.  But EV's don't pay this
environmental tax because 93% run on renewable carbon free energy and that
figure only improves as the grid gets cleaner.
See http://aprs.org/EV-misinformation.html

Now that equates to a 40 cent rise in gas tax and a 1 cent per mile tax on

Imagine trying to get the me-first-screw-everyone-else voters to approve

Bob, WB4aPR

,  then that 1 cent per mile increase would be reasonable to chargmight
translate to
Sure it is nice if we take public incentives to encourage us to drive
EV's, but we must also avoid EV-animosity when the gas drivers feel we are
getting an unfair benefit.
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