----- Forwarded Message -----
 From: Friends of Caltrain <adina.le...@friendsofcaltrain.com>
 To: clean...@sbcglobal.net 
 Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 11:10 AM
 Subject: Keep acting to save electrification, engage in long-term vision for 
Caltrain/101 corridor, Clipper 2 and transit integration in

Keep taking action to save electrification. As you likely know, Caltrain 
electrification is at risk in DC. This eagerly awaited, long-planned project 
will lead to faster, more frequent service, reduced train crowding, and 
alleviating highway congestion.  If you haven’t done so already, click here to 
learn more and please send a personalized letter to Transportation Secretary 
Chao urging her to approve funding for Caltrain electrification without delay.  
Here are a few more things you can do to help save electrification.

1) Click here to tell your friends about the risk to electrification and ask 
them to email Secretary Chao  
2) Share this Facebook post to encourage your friends to help save 
3) Would you be able to give “save electrification” handouts to others at your 
Caltrain station? Come early in the morning or stay a bit later in the evening 
and help get the word out. If you use BART or other transit you can do this 
too.  Send us a note at frie...@friendsofcaltrain.com if you’re interested.

Caltrain/101 Vision - March 1 in San Mateo. Caltrain electrification is the 
next step; what can we do for major transformation for transportation on the 
Peninsula corridor in the coming years and decades?  What are the most 
effective ways to improve the commute and to help the most commuters, with less 
time and stress? Can congestion relief be provided quickly?  Can the region 
keep up with economic growth without having transportation break down? What 
options are best for the climate?  What’s best for commuters across a variety 
of income levels? Are we on the right track to solve the problems?

On Wednesday March, 1, a cast of experts from state, local, employer, and 
nonprofit perspectives (Spur, TransForm, CalTrans, Stanford, C/CAG) will share 
options to ease the commute pain and share a vision about how our region can 
overcome obstacles to achieve solutions.

Wednesday, March 1
San Mateo Public Library
55 W. 3rd Avenue
City of San Mateo

Click here to RSVP - the room looks likely to fill, so sign up to make sure you 
get a seat.  If you are already signed up, you can invite a friend and share on 

Today, Monday, Feb 13 in SF - Can Clipper 2.0 foster better regional transit 

What’s next for the Bay Area’s next steps toward regional transit coordination? 
 Come learn from Sara Barz of Clipper and Arielle Fleisher of SPUR about new 
Clipper governance; fare policies and regional coordination; and the next 
generation of Clipper technology. This will be of interest to anyone who wants 
more convenient Bay Area transit. If you have skills in technology, your help 
with the Clipper 2.0 project will be especially useful at this point, come if 
you can.

The event is on Monday evening, February 13, at 6pm, at 795 Folsom @ 4th, Suite 
100.   Click here to share the event on Facebook. 

Thanks for taking action to save electrification and help our region move 
toward a better, more integrated transit system.To help others stay informed, 
please invite friends and colleagues to participate with Friends of Caltrain, 
and consider a donation to Friends of Caltrain, so you and others can learn and 
take action. 

Many thanks!

Adina- AdinaAdina LevinFriends of 
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