*August Meeting*
Thanks to everyone who joined this month's call! The notes and recording
for the August Cataloging Interest Group are now available and posted on
the wiki:

Thanks again to Mike Rylander from Equinox for joining us to answer
questions and provide more information about the expected behavior of
Authorities in Evergreen!!

*Examples Needed*
If you have specific examples with questions about how Authorities are
working in real life, please email this listserv or email me directly.

We would like to collect examples for two purposes: (1) add to
supplementary documentation for illustration and (2) provide details for
potential launchpad bugs. Examples should include screenshots, if possible,
and notes about the steps you were taking when you encountered the behavior.

*Volunteer Reminder!  *
If anyone is interested in participating in an Authorities Working Group to
continue Authorities discussions, documentation, and wishlist creation,
please email me.

*September Meeting*
Mark your calendars to join us next month on Tues, Sept 13, where the
agenda will include:
> Reports Interest Group Crossover - Sample Report collection initiative
with Jessica Woolford
> Cataloging Dashboard Brainstorming (& Collection Development expansion)
with Rogan Hamby and Jennifer Weston

- Jennifer Weston, on behalf of the Evergreen Cataloging Interest Group
jennifer.wes...@equinoxoli.org <jennifer.wes...@equinoxoli.org>
Evergreen-general mailing list

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