I am new to this group so I thought I give my background.

I have a BS in physics and chemistry and a BA in philosophy (UNC), an
MS in materials science (Stevens Inst), a PhD in physics (Southampton)
and I have completed ~70 additional hours of graduate studies in
computer science, mathematics, chemistry, bioinformatics, and cell
biology at collages and universities scattered around the North East
(Fairleigh Dickinson Uiversity, North Eastern University, UMass,

I am on LinkedIn, you can look me up (Edward Rietman) I will be happy
to connect. I currently work as a research fellow at Dana Farber
Cancer Institute (DFCI) and I have an appointment at Harvard Medical
School, Genetics Department. I am also Chief Innovation Officer at a
startup involving nonlinear acoustics and cross-disciplinary physics
for developing disruptive technology.

I have written 7 books on neural networks, parallel processing,
computer modeling of chaos, artificial life, and nanotechnology. I
have published as author or coauthor over 100 technical papers ranging
from crystallography, to polymer chemistry, solid state physics,
neural network hardware, robotics, machine learning, factory
automation, ....

I have 10 issued patents and many pending.

I worked at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ for 20 years. Then I worked
at Starlab in Brussels followed by several private military-funded
think tanks. My current work involves theoretical biology in a Systems
Biology group at DFCI. I am applying, or at least attempting to apply,
group theory and category theory to systems biology with the, rather
ambitious, goal of understanding life. I am not attempting to
replicate Rosen's, excellent, work.

I read a lot on many subjects. I once got rejected from a job at GE
Research Center because I am, in their words, too
interdisciplinary. :-)

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