I listen to Galileo by John L. Heilbron. Below are two interesting facts from the book together with links that I have found in Internet.

1) Galileo about Inferno

Galileo has started his scientific career with a speech about how Inferno looks like where he has applied his mathematical genius to find out which theory was the correct one.

Two Lectures to the Florentine Academy On the Shape, Location and Size of Dante’s Inferno by Galileo Galilei, 1588


2) Galileo against clothes

Galileo has a poem poem “Against the Donning of Gown”

"I now conclude, and turn to you, signor,
And force you to confess, against your will,
The Greatest Good will be all clothes to abhor"

His First Heresy
Marvin Frandsen, Nude & Natural



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