Realistic computationalism

(draft 2018-09-17)

0. The term "realistic computationalism" is meant to suggest a 
computationalism* based on the practical approach (software and hardware 
production, both "conventional" and "unconventional") to computing, rather 
than the completely theoretical (or "pure") approach.

* ( )

0.1.  PTLOS configurations 

A configuration PTLOS(π,λ,τ,ο,Σ) — lower case Greek letters π, λ, τ, ο, and 
capital Greek letter Σ are variables that take on concrete (particular) 
values —  is defined:

PLTOS(π,λ,τ,ο,Σ): A program π that is written in a language λ that is 
transformed via a compiler/assembler τ into an output object ο that 
executes in a computing substrate Σ.

0.1.  "Material* PLTOS Thesis":

               Every material phenomenon can be effectively represented by 

* (alt. "Physical")

0.2.   τ⁻¹ is a decompiler/disassembler: it takes an object ο and produces 
a program π,in some language λ.

0.3.   π could consist of a collection of programs (a codebase) in 
different languages λs.

1. Σ = von Neumann / Turing

1.1. For example, π could be a general relativity program written in  λ = 
SageManifolds/Python 3 and  compiled by τ = Python 3.5.6 for Linux/UNIX 
into*  ο = machine language code object for Σ = Ubuntu 18.04/ASUS VivoBook. 
PLTOS(π,λ,τ,ο,Σ) then identifies this particular PLTOS.

* (in the case of Python, τ compiles π into an ο = [bytecode+interpreter] 

In the PLTOS(π,λ,τ,ο,Σ) example above, "effectively representative" means 
that it matches data from observations.

2. Σ = non von Neumann / Turing

2.1. "Turing equivalence" (an equivalence relation on programs) basically 
translates into "It doesn't matter what Σ is." But particulars do matter in 
the efficiency of what programs are transformed into. Different hardware (a 
different Σ), e.g. replacing CPUs with GPUs, is used for virtual/augmented 
reality applications. Hardware compilers (a τ compiles a π into an ο such 
as neural-network reconfigurable hardware, ASIC, FPGA, basically makes Σ = 
ο. (The output object is its own computing substrate.)

3. Σ = unbounded/interactive 

e.g., the internet as type of super-Turing? substrate

Computation Beyond Turing Machines
Peter Wegner, Dina Goldin

it is possible to derive super-Turing models from:
- interaction with the world;
- infinity of resources;
- evolution of the system.

4. Σ = human 

(human biocomputer)

John Lilly

5. Σ = natural

5.1.  slime molds

Computing with slime: Logical circuits built using living slime molds


6. Σ = synthetic biological

6.1.  τ is a biocompiler / biomolecular assembler (from the developing 
field of synthetic biology).

Example: A biochemical molecular program (π) written in a 
synthetic-biological language (λ) that is biocompiled (τ) into a life form 
(ο) that is injected into a person (Σ) to cure a disease.

If ο is effective (n carrying out its programmed task of attacking the 
disease), this PLTOS is an effective representative of a life form. (In 
fact the representation is the life form itself.) 

6.2  But is biocomputation > computation (the latter defined 

[RM] below will refer to
     Galen Strawson
     Realistic Monism
     (Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism)


Is there an ‘ultimate’ -  "a fundamental physical entity, an ultimate 
constituent of reality, [like] a particle, field, string, brane, simple, 
whatever" [RM] that is "experience" in addition to "information" (which is 
what conventional computation manipulates)?

"Real physicalists must accept that at least some ultimates are 
intrinsically experience involving. They must at least embrace 
micropsychism. Given that everything concrete is physical, and that 
everything physical is constituted out of physical ultimates, and that 
experience is part of concrete reality, it seems the only reasonable 
position, more than just an ‘inference to the best explanation’. Which is 
not to say that it is easy to accept in the current intellectual climate." 

For output objects ο of biocompilers, this means ο has experientiality ( e 
) in addition to informationality ( i ). Programs with e-states (in 
addition to i-states)in their language need a biocompiler to be effective.

[ Examples of  e-state languages. ]

(Buddhists seem to talk about such things.)

6.3.  Philip Galen's panpsychism -

Galen Strawson [RM-2017] uses "physicalism" to mean "materialism". Philip 
Goff [above interview] uses "materialism" to mean "physicalism". 

I (tentatively) could agree with the incompleteness of physics/physicalism 
argument (if it is stated that that i-states are insufficient, i.e. one 
accepts [RM]) and the reality of consciousness (material experientiality 
(implies e-states), but maintain that means materialism > physicalism [ ].

6.4. In summary:

i-states are purely informational states (just information - numbers, etc.)
e-states are experiential states  (which [RM, RM-2017] posits)

physicalism = i-states (only)
materialism = i-states + e-states   (a non-physicalist materialism)

6.5. other references:
The Subject of Experience
Galen Strawson
Oxford University Press, Jan 19, 2017 - Philosophy - 336 pages

7. matter is

   what stores, transmits, executes information / code
   what substrates, constitutes, reflects experience

- Philip Thrift

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