On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 07:14, Kevin McLauchlan wrote:
> G'day all.
> Newbie here.
> I have Evolution sorta working, but LDAP is not.  Yet...
> I looked in the Ximian Knowledge Base and found article 55 
> (reproduced below), which is probably correct, except that 
> I don't understand what it's telling me to do.
> Could some knowledgeable person please look at it and 
> tell me WHAT exactly is supposed to be substituted in 
> the lines that they suggest to edit into my config.xmldb file?

TO find out what you want to put in there, check out what your ldap
server is serving .. 
Open a browser and open the URL    ldap://ldapserver.yourdomain/
This will give you a bunch of info on your ldap server.

You should see something like "ou=Company,0=UberCompany" which you
should user to put into your "value" entry below.



That worked for me .. just make sure to killev before you make the mod.

> --------- begin Ximian KB article #55 --------------
> Question   My company has an LDAP server which we use to track people's
> contact information. I've set up Evolution so it has access to the
> directory, but when I'm writing an email, it never performs address
> searches on the LDAP directory. How do I configure this?   
> Answer   It is possible to change the search path for address lookups in
> the composer, but it isn't supported by Ximian at at this time. In fact,
> there isn't a GUI yet, and this solution could change in future versions
> of Evolution. Here's how you do it:
> Add this to your ~/evolution/config.xmldb :
> <section path="/Addressbook/Completion">
> <entry name="uri" type="string"
> value="ldap://localhost:389/dc=toshok,dc=org??one"/>
> </section>
> NOTE: Change the URL to match the addressbook URL you want to use. With
> LDAP URLs it has to be formatted using the correct syntax for your
> system.
> --------- end Ximian KB article #55 --------------
> For example, if my LDAP server is Chipmunk at, 
> what-in-heck am I supposed to type in, and where precisely
> does it replace something in the sample lines that Ximian tech 
> support provided above?
> Like, fer instance, those question marks... are they formatting?
> Or are they an indication that I'm supposed to substitute 
> something at that spot?
> Should "//localhost:389..." be replaced by the server name, 
> or the server IP address, or something else, or not touched? 
> Is 389 a port number? Does that need to be substituted? 
> Where would I look to find out what it wants to replace it?  
> Yes, I am lost... <grin>
> My local IT guy is equally lost. He knows how to work with 
> Exchange Server and Outlook, but says he hasn't a clue what 
> is desired and in what format for Ximian on Linux.
> If I get this stuff going, I not only get ME working, I 
> get the IT group that much closer to adopting a Linux 
> desktop for the whole company. And they actually WANT to 
> do that, so I'd hate to discourage such laudable open-
> mindedness.  Ahem....  :-)
> Any "help for dummies" would be much appreciated at this point.
> -- 
> Kevin McLauchlan
> Chrysalis-ITS, Inc.
> "Ultimate Trust(TM)"
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