Hi Mark,
I took the Alexandrian solution to this gordian knot. I gave the rpm -e treatment to everything in gnome, except red carpet. A quick rpm --rebuilddb, just in case and then used red carpet to install evolution and any necessary dependencies.
Result - perfect, no missing icons anywh
I used Yast2 to remove the old gdk-pixbuf (and told it to ignore conflicts), then immediately installed the one from the CD and now I have all my icons back in Evolution.
I suppose there are command line switches that I could have used with rpm instead of using Yast2, but I thought
1.2.4-40? I have 1.2.4-31 here, and there doesn't seem to be a -40 in
Red Carpet. Let's see whether there's a difference:
$ rpm -ql libpng | grep so
You have the same?
gdk_imlib is in the imlib p
Odd, works for me. I'm connecting to the main Ximian mirror, if that
makes a difference, though it shouldn't. You should be able to upgrade
to the packages on the DVD, though.
FWIW, there's no reason to remove and reinstall. I did something
similar in order to reproduce your problem, but you sh
I've been following this thread, as I was trying to help Jean initially, but we ran out of things to try.
I just did a little experiment with my SuSE 8.1 system. I have the latest libpng installed (1.2.4-40), and everything works as it should, except the mini-icons which should show up
Hi Mark,
I checked the SuSE 8.1 channel in red-carpet, and it didn't offer to upgrade my gdk-pixbuf library. I thought I would try removing the one I have & see if red-carpet would then let me get the right one, but that would also remove large chunks of GNOME and other software, so I chickene
OK, I can reproduce this exact problem now. I'm not sure why the
upgrade didn't replace our gdk-pixbuf for SuSE 8.0 with the one that
comes with SuSE 8.1. If you run Red Carpet and subscribe to the SuSE
8.1 channel, you'll be offered an upgrade to gdk-pixbuf which will solve
this problem.
Hi Mark,
Here's what I've got for imlib and gdk-pixbuf:
I seem to have a more recent version of gdk-pixbug than evo is currently compiled against.
rpm -V on libpng / imlib / gdk-pixbuf does not return any errors.
I am no
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 01:39, Jean wrote:
> Let's try one more time...
> Under Suse 8.1, I don't get any icons on my shortcut bar or folder bar
> with Evolution 1.2. When I start Evolution, I see all kinds of errors
> referring to an incompatibility between what 1.2 was compiled with &
> what I h