Hey Patrick,

On Sun, 2008-02-10 at 12:18 +0100, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> Hello,
> I finally got all pieces together (in particular most of the recent
> GNOME libs which are missing in Debian Etch), so now I'm building
> Evolution trunk each night using Paul Smith's most excellent Makefile
> [1].

> After each build I then run SyncEvolution tests against the EDS API.
> These tests cover the synchronous libebook (contacts) and libecal
> (calendar, todos, memos). My primary motivation is to catch changes
> affecting SyncEvolution before the release, not after it ;-}
Sounds really nice to me.
> I wonder whether this regular building and testing is of interest to
> anybody else? The build script sends out a short summary email which
> links to full logs for each night; I could easily add other recipients.
> For the Evolution build these include the changes since the last build.
I think it may prove very helpful in the long run, where some commits
cause some side effects, which we may not easily identify in normal
cases. But the test script gotto be foolproof to make this really

> I'll probably won't be able to check the logs each day, but if I do and
> find build problems, how should I report them? As entry in the GNOME
> Bugzilla or an email to this list?
Feel free to file bugs on it.
> Are there other tests of the EDS API which I should run? If Novel
> already does regular testing this probably isn't needed.
AFAIK, we don't have much automated tests except the tests under the
respective folders. Akhil, correct me if I'm wrong. Patrick, if your
test script could cover some cases from those test files also, it will
be really useful.
> [1] http://mad-scientist.us/evolution.html

This is a very nice initiative IMO. Thanks for the trigger.


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