I am fresher to computer.  I just have added a macro in Excel Addin in a 
separate module.  I am getting error  No. 13, while running this.  I want 
to use this in all file.  Kindly help me

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
'Now i will activate notepad and open/create one file
'"Windows Scripting Runtime"(SCRRUN.DLL)--reference to be activated
Dim txtfile As Characters ' TextStream
'Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim sFile As Variant 'String
sFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=txtfilename(), 
FileFilter:="Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
If sFile = "False" Then Exit Sub
If sFile Then 'If fso.FileExists(sFile) Then
    Kill sFile
        Set txtfile = fso.CreateTextFile(sFile, True)
        Set txtfile = fso.CreateTextFile(sFile, True)
End If
'now i will write details of records.
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ECR").Select 'Sheets("Sheet1").Select
For Decount = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
d = "#~#"
DD1 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 1), 7)
DD2 = UCase(Cells(Decount + 1, 2))
DD3 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 3), 10)
DD4 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 4), 10)
DD5 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 5), 10)
DD6 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 6), 10)
DD7 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 7), 10)
DD8 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 8), 10)
DD9 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 9), 10)
DD10 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 10), 10)
If Cells(Decount + 1, 11) > 0 Then
    DD11 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 11), 2)
    DD11 = 0
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 12) > 0 Then
    DD12 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 12), 10)
    DD12 = 0
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 13) > 0 Then
    DD13 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 13), 10)
    DD13 = 0
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 14) > 0 Then
    DD14 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 14), 10)
    DD14 = 0
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 15) > 0 Then
    DD15 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 15), 10)
    DD15 = 0
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 16) > 0 Then
    DD16 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 16), 10)
    DD16 = 0
End If
DD17 = UCase(Cells(Decount + 1, 17))
DD18 = UCase(Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 18), 1))
If Cells(Decount + 1, 19) > 0 Then
    DD19 = Right("00" & Day(Cells(Decount + 1, 19)), 2) & "/" & _
        Right("00" & Month(Cells(Decount + 1, 19)), 2) & "/" & _
        Year(Cells(Decount + 1, 19))
        DD19 = ""
End If
DD20 = UCase(Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 20), 1))
If Cells(Decount + 1, 21) > 0 Then
    DD21 = Right("00" & Day(Cells(Decount + 1, 21)), 2) & "/" & _
        Right("00" & Month(Cells(Decount + 1, 21)), 2) & "/" & _
        Year(Cells(Decount + 1, 21))
    DD21 = ""
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 22) > 0 Then
    DD22 = Right("00" & Day(Cells(Decount + 1, 22)), 2) & "/" & _
    Right("00" & Month(Cells(Decount + 1, 22)), 2) & "/" & _
    Year(Cells(Decount + 1, 22))
    DD22 = ""
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 23) > 0 Then
    DD23 = Right("00" & Day(Cells(Decount + 1, 23)), 2) & "/" & _
        Right("00" & Month(Cells(Decount + 1, 23)), 2) & "/" & _
        Year(Cells(Decount + 1, 23))
    DD23 = ""
End If
If Cells(Decount + 1, 24) > 0 Then
    DD24 = Right("00" & Day(Cells(Decount + 1, 24)), 2) & "/" & _
        Right("00" & Month(Cells(Decount + 1, 24)), 2) & "/" & _
        Year(Cells(Decount + 1, 24))
    DD24 = ""
End If
DD25 = Left(Cells(Decount + 1, 25), 1)
txtfile.WriteLine (DD1 & d & DD2 & d & DD3 & d & DD4 & d & DD5 & d & DD6 & 
d & DD7 & _
        d & DD8 & d & DD9 & d & DD10 & d & DD11 & d & DD12 & d & DD13 & d & 
DD14 & d _
        & DD15 & d & DD16 & d & DD17 & d & DD18 & d & DD19 & d & DD20 & d & 
DD21 & d _
        & DD22 & d & DD23 & d & DD24 & d & DD25)
Next Decount
MsgBox "The text file is saved as " & sFile
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 13 Then
    MsgBox "Vba Error Code 13 - Data Type Mismatch. The date in Row Number 
" _
        & Decount + 1 & " is not in the date format"
    MsgBox "Vba Error Code " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & _
        ". Textfile is not created successfully."
    GoTo ExitFunction:
End If
    On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function txtfilename() As String
'    Dim c As String
'    Dim y As String
'    Dim m As String
'    Dim t As String
'        Sheets("Textmain").Select
'        c = Left(Cells(2, 8), 2) & Left(Cells(2, 9), 3) & _
'            Right("00000" & Cells(2, 10), 5) & 0
'        y = Left(Year(Cells(4, 10)), 4)
'        m = Right("00" & Month(Cells(4, 10)), 2)
'        t = ".txt"
'        txtfilename = c + y + m + t
    Dim m As String
    Dim t As String
    m = Format(Now(), "mmm-yyyy ")
        t = ".txt"
        txtfilename = m + t
End Function

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