
2013-06-05 Thread jason nix
http://grashal.com/fisogpq/geljnglz.php -- Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you wanna be? It’s =TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official Facebook page of this forum @ https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel FORUM RULES 1) Use concise, accurate thread titles. Poor thread

$$Excel-Macros$$ excel vba help

2010-02-07 Thread jason nix
I am trying to teach myself how to use the vba. I want to use a copy/paste and loop macro for some equations. I already know how to use my formulas to automatically calculate but I need help getting info into the right cell. The basics of it goes like this; I want to get a number to copy to the