Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Save As - error - object required

2010-04-20 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Jonathan, Could it be a problem that you skipped the quots... should be Filename:=strSelectedPath \Run1.xlsx instead of Filename:=strSelectedPath \ Run1.xlsx Kind greetings Paul Willekens -- -- Some

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Want to forece numbers to look like text with Green Error Flag

2010-04-20 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Ronald, What about running following macro first, and then sorting the dolumn... Greetings Paul Willekens '=== Sub Omzetten() Dim nRow nRow = 1 While Len(Cells(nRow, 1)) 0 If IsNumeric(Cells(nRow, 1).Value) Then

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Excel Spreadsheet Cleanup

2010-04-17 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Kevin, Here the macro... Feedback please... Kind Regards, Paul Willekens '=== Sub Reformat() Dim cAddress Dim cCity Dim cCompany Dim cEmail Dim cName Dim cPhone Dim cState Dim cTitle Dim nPos Dim nRowIn Dim nRowOut

Re: Fwd: $$Excel-Macros$$ Data requeired please help me

2010-04-17 Thread paulwillekens
Here it comes... Feedback please. Kind regards, Paul Willekens '=== Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim nColOut Dim nRowIn Dim nRowOut nRowIn = 1 nRowOut = 6 nColOut = 7 While Len(Sheets(Sheet1).Cells(nRowIn, 2).Value) 0

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Convert to unique rows

2010-04-13 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Stephen, No upload in the picture... Greetings, Paul Willekens -- -- Some important links for excel users: 1. Follow us on TWITTER for tips tricks and links : 2. Join our

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Datewise,townwise data??

2010-04-12 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Praveen Are we speaking about the same sheet, because in the one you sent I have 9704 rows, not 7094... Did you apply the formulae in columns D and E first, for all 121 rows? If it doesn't function, please send the excel sheet in annex for me to examen it Kind regards, Paul Willekens

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Need help on the below xl file

2010-04-12 Thread paulwillekens
Here it is... Greetings, Paul Willekens '=== Sub GetCenters() Dim cLevel1 Dim cLevel2 Dim cLevel3 Dim cLevel4 Dim cLevel5 Dim cLevel6 Dim cRaw Dim cTest Dim lDone Dim nCenter Dim nRowIn Dim nRowOut nRowIn = 2 nRowOut = 5

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Changing multiple spreadsheets

2010-04-12 Thread paulwillekens
Hi DeanL, Paul gave a great answer, but I am not sure you are going to be happy with it... Can you please send one of those workbooks aka spreadsheets and specify clearly what piece of code in the back should have which modification... I will give you in return a .vbs that iterates through those

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Datewise,townwise data??

2010-04-11 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Praveen, Siti's formulae for column D and E are fine and should be applied first. But then I suggest to run this macro, because the SUMPRODUCT is not working for me... Feedback please. Kind regards, Paul Willekens '=== Sub

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Urgently help required

2010-04-11 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Anju, Of cours, you give too few examples, but at least for the two formats following macro shoud do the job. Give some feedback. Kind regards, Paul Willekens '=== Sub PullNumber() Dim cChar Dim cContent Dim cNumber Dim

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Upload Excel data to Access, but Access not installed (file)

2010-04-09 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Cecilia, After checking out your excell workbook, IMHO the best is to develop a .vbs that does both things: grab the specified data in the different excel files and insert them in the database. Still this problem: if the end user starts this .vbs, he must have access to the database; else i

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Need help on the below xl file

2010-04-09 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Vinu, See the solution below... I created a sheet test to see the test result... In the macro you can (after testing) modify statement cTest = test to cTest = Result Sheet Good luck. Please feedback. Kind greetings Paul Willekens

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Excel, go through Column B

2010-04-08 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Shawn, Question: are cells in column B always with content, up to the last used row? In that case... see below... Kind regards, Paul Willekens '=== Sub GoColumnB() Dim rngClnB As Range, Cell As Range

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Need Help to find a date and time calculation

2010-04-08 Thread paulwillekens
Here it comes... greetings Paul Willekens '== Sub Kleuren() Dim nRow nRow = 2 While Len(Cells(nRow, 1).Value) 0 If Cells(nRow, 5).Value = Cells(nRow, 2).Value _ And Cells(nRow, 4).Value = Cells(nRow, 3).Value Then

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Count number of times a part is out of stock without counting all days part is out of stock

2010-04-08 Thread paulwillekens
Here it comes... Please feedback ! Kind regards, Paul Willekens '== Sub BOcount() Dim lBO Dim nBO Dim nCol Dim nMax Dim nRow 'first determine how many dates are registered nCol = 2 While Len(Cells(1, nCol).Value) 0 nCol =

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Upload Excel data to Access, but Access not installed

2010-04-08 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Chechu, Why not export that particular range in a .csv file, that would be stored in a dedicated folder on the network, and imported by Access on its own time... You need the macro to export the range in Excel, and a macro in Access to check for those files and import them... If that idea


2010-04-08 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Vivek, No need to make a .csv Open the .txt and Excel will ask whether there is a separator or fixed length... Choose the latter and on the sample you move the vertical separator lines so to form the columns... then just import and adjust the column headings... Go for it ! Greetings Paul

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Upload Excel data to Access, but Access not installed

2010-04-08 Thread paulwillekens
There are two sides: a) the user side: if a1:b20 is all the sheet contains, the user could save his sheet as user.csv in a particular folder but if the range to import in access is only part of the sheet, maybe I could develop a little macro to export only that part... You tell me ! b) the central

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Need help in function

2010-04-06 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Sandeep, Just try the simple function as follows... on row 3 =(D3 - C3) * 24 * 60 make sure the editing of the result column is standard (i.e. nothing) Let me know... Greetings Paul Willekens -- -- Some

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Modifying input data

2010-04-06 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Harpreet, Here it comes... I made a new sheet test to test it, but you can change that statement in cCooked = MODIFIED DATA after testing, of course. Feedback is welcome. Kind regards, Paul Willekens '=== Sub CookData()

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Need help in function

2010-04-06 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Gaurav, Did you try my solution? =(D3 - C3) * 24 * 60 What's wrong about that? The result remains numeric, while Ashish's solution becomes text! cu Paul Willekens -- -- Some important links for excel users: 1.

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Assistance required

2010-04-05 Thread paulwillekens
ok, Prathap, let's start with the following macro: months without sales but with stock increase will get colored... is this what you want: highlight it? greetings Paul Willekens '=== Sub StockAnalysis() Dim lDone Dim nCol

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Find and Replace with an entire line from a another worksheet

2010-04-05 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Java, If your specifications are vague, then I can only speculate and simplify... I assumed first row contains column headings, so I start on row 2 (you can change that if necessary) in both sheets... I assumed the numbers to match are located in both sheets in the first column [if not, you

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Help: OUTLOOK VBA

2010-04-05 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Janet, Do I understand you differently from rf1234: you are looking for a group for OUTLOOK VBA instead of EXCEL VBA, not just for sending mail from an excel macro ? I made some macro's in Outlook... shoot your problem, we'll see, because VBA is not that different. Greetings Paul

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Modifying input data

2010-04-05 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Hapreet, I agree with Seema: import with delimiter semicolon and the first sheet RAW DATA becomes easier. If it is still very cumbersome for you to convert this Seema-Raw Data to the Modified data sheet, tell me and I'll make it in the blink of an eye... Kind regards, Paul Willekens --

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Help: OUTLOOK VBA

2010-04-05 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Shyam, I mean the following: I understand what Janet wrote in a different way than you. I had the impression that you assume that Janet wants something from Excel, but I think he/she wants VBA macros for Outlook (not for Excel)... regards Paul Willekens --

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Find and Replace with an entire line from a another worksheet

2010-04-04 Thread paulwillekens
Hi JavaOnLine This method works always and you can insert any specific criteria without limit... Good luck. Let me know if it was useful... Paul Willekens '=== Sub ESTSearch() Dim cValue Dim lDoneA Dim lDoneB Dim nNumberA

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Need advise

2010-04-03 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Rajasekhar Here it comes... Enjoy and let me know if it suits you. Kind regards Paul Willekens '=== 'module level Public aDigit(9) Public aTeenage(8) Public aTenfold(8) Public cNumber

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Assistance required

2010-04-03 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Prathap, Tell us what you want for your analysis... In order to automate, we need to know what has to be automated... Till then, kind regards, Paul Willekens -- -- Some important links for excel users: 1.

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Help......................

2010-04-01 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Abdul, Just send in your spreadsheet, so we can see it with our own eyes and then work on a solution Greetings Paul Willekens -- -- Some important links for excel users: 1. Follow us on TWITTER for tips

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Code or Formula Required

2010-03-31 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Putta A couple of lines added to determine the next row to fill... Greetings Paul Willekens '=== Sub Normalize() Dim cAddress Dim cBusiness Dim cCity Dim cCompany Dim cContact Dim cState Dim lDone Dim nRow 'first find

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Code or Formula Required

2010-03-31 Thread paulwillekens
Sorry, Putta, but I need to correct my last mail: In order to be get the next row in Output, first go to that sheet... ... Dim lDone ... 'first find the new row in Output Sheets(Output).Select nRow = 1 lDone = False While lDone = False If Len(Cells(nRow, 1).Value) 1 Then lDone = True

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Data Import

2010-03-31 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Mahesh, First expat means expatriate, a foreigner living and working abroad... you probable mean expert... It would be nice if you could append a couple of those text files and the intended excel workbook, so we can see what you mean exactly... Waiting to help you out, with kind regards

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Please help In seperating alphabets and numbers from a cell

2010-03-31 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Abhidha, Please specify what the result is you look for... is it jdsdnc versus 2123 versus asdd ... or only extraction of the number 2123 ? is it iofruif versus 68732 versus fnw ... or simply 68732 ? do digits appear separated by alphabetical characters on some occasions or never? As soon as

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: How to remove Invisible symbols in a cell.

2010-03-31 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Nike, Maybe I do not see the problem, but let me focus on the solution... Just select the columns or range of data cells and specify the cell properties... special format e.g. mm/dd/ hh:mm or whatever you preference is... Good luck Paul Willekens --

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Relative position within range.

2010-03-30 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Archie, First a question: I suppose your comparison starts with running the macro, with as ActiveRange the first cell in range 1... Do you know, at that point, what the first cell of range 2 is? Or is it one of the tasks of this macro to search for it? I hope you know it and then: how to pass

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Capture Sheet Range in 2D VBA Array

2010-03-30 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Jon What about following simple macro... Let me know if it suits you. Greetings Paul Willekens '=== Sub Runner() Dim aResult(4, 1) Dim nPos For nPos = 0 To 4 'Iteration code omitted aResult(nPos, 0) = Cells(1,

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Capturing part of string in the cell

2010-03-29 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Ramesh, Supposing that no other split-sequences occur than space, underscore or hyphen (or a combination of these), then following routine should do the job... Enjoy and let me know if it did help you out. Kind regards Paul Willekens

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Macro

2010-03-28 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Sreejith, Here is your macro. It should be stored and run from another Workbook, of course... Just change the number of countries and enter them in the macro... (arrays start at 0, so 9 countries should make aCountry(8)) Sub Sreejith() Dim aCountry(2) Dim cPeriod Dim cSet1 Dim cSet2 Dim

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: type mismatch at End Function

2010-03-28 Thread paulwillekens
Hi ScubaGirl A Function returns a value by assigning a value to its name in one or more statements of the procedure. The return type of a Function is always a Variant, unless you specified the type e.g. Public Function CalcResourceUtilization() as Boolean If you had some statement within your

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Code or Formula Required

2010-03-28 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Puttu, Here it comes... Remark how I unmerge merged fields before grabbing the content... and then I remerge it... Let me know if this helped you out... Greetings Paul Willekens '=== Sub Normalize() Dim cAddress Dim

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: VBA code to capture System time

2010-03-24 Thread paulwillekens
Would it be okay to have a .vbs script running under WSH capturing that lock-down time and writing it in your spreadsheet? If yes, then I'll look further into it... That's because a macro in Excel needs a trigger to run, but a vbs-script can poll almost anything... greetings Paul Willekens --

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Navigation Macro..

2010-03-23 Thread paulwillekens
go for it... maybe you could elaborate further on error handling and appropriate messages, but here's the thing... Sub GaNaar() Dim cCel Dim cNewCel Dim cNewFile Dim cNewSheet Dim cSheet Dim nPos cCel = ActiveCell.Value 'cell e.g. b2 On Error Resume Next Range(cCel).Select cNewCel =

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: purchase order number

2010-03-23 Thread paulwillekens
Hi Colvert, Well, I think you could keep that last purchase order number (PON) in a (protected) fix cell, e.g. D1 Sub PON() ActiveCell.Value = Range(D1).Value + 1 Range(D1).Value = ActiveCell.Value End Sub Is that what you're up to? Greetings Paul Willekens --

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: VBA code to capture System time

2010-03-23 Thread paulwillekens
no need of VBA to see the system time in a spreadsheet... function NOW() should do the job... unless you would clarify what you mean with at the time of locking the system... I hope you don't lock the system at all :) cu Paul Willekens --

$$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Conditional Formatting of empty colored cells

2010-03-22 Thread paulwillekens
easy piece... Sub Kleur() Dim oCel For Each oCel In Selection If oCel.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 Or oCel.Interior.ColorIndex = 38 Then oCel.Value = N End If Next End Sub enjoy ... Paul Willekens -- --