$$Excel-Macros$$ Excel checkbox macro

2011-04-19 Thread Tony O
I would like to add a checkbox in column A for an Excel spreadsheet. When the checkbox is checked, you can type in columns B, C and D. If it is unchecked, the cells are locked. Ideally, I would like columns B, C and D to be grey if they are unchecked. How would I go about doing this? --

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Excel checkbox macro

2011-04-19 Thread STDEV(i)
unlock all cells in column A instanciate a checkbox in cell A1 (CheckBox1) create a conditional formatting for B1:C1 put the thos vba code to Sheet1 Module Private Sub CheckBox1_Click() Me.Unprotect If CheckBox1 = False Then Range(B1:C1).Locked = True Else