I'm looking to use a string for the password protection of the sheet
and workbook. I have a button that prompts the user to change the
password if necessary, but the string is empty in other parts of the

' Initialization coding
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    Dim PW As String
    PW = "password"
    ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=PW, DrawingObjects:=True,
Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
    ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlNoSelection
    ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:=PW, Structure:=True,
    Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
End Sub
' Protection prompt
Private Sub Prot_Click()
    Dim Response As Long
    Response = MsgBox("Would you like to reset the password?",
vbYesNoCancel, "Password Reset")
    Select Case Response
        Case 6
            PW = InputBox("Enter new password:", "Reset Password")
            ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:=PW, Structure:=True,
            ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=PW, DrawingObjects:=True,
Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
            ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlNoSelection
        Case 7
            ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:=PW, Structure:=True,
            ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=PW, DrawingObjects:=True,
Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
            ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlNoSelection
        Case 2
            GoTo LineE
    End Select
End Sub
' Unprotect prompt
Private Sub Unprot_Click()
    Dim iPW
    iPW = InputBox("Enter password.", "Protection Password")
    If iPW = PW Then
        ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect (PW)
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect (PW)
        Sheet1.Range("D6", Range("E6").End(xlDown).Offset(0,
        With Selection.Interior
            .ColorIndex = 0
            .TintAndShade = 0
        End With
        With Selection.Font
            .ColorIndex = 1
            .TintAndShade = 0
        End With
        Cells(1, 1).Select
        lngR = MsgBox("Incorrect password.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical,
    End If
End Sub

The unprotection prompt is the one where it finds PW as Empty. So, if
I change PW in the protection prompt the unprotection does not
register PW for some reason.  I'm trying to make the protection user
friendly and practical instead of going to the tab and doing whatever
(my superiors will enjoy this).  Another problem I get is that when I
unprotect the sheet and workbook to do whatever it is I have the code
do, and the code protects it again, the password is not applied.

Private Sub Display_Click()
    Dim DisplayName As String
    Dim FullName As String
    Dim CellName As String
    Dim CellBlock As Range
    FullName = UCase(RName.Text)
    ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect (PW)
    ActiveSheet.Unprotect (PW)
    DisplayName = UCase(Left(RName, 6))
    Sheet1.Range("D6", Range("E6").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)).Select
    With Selection.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    With Selection.Font
        .ColorIndex = 2
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Select Case FullName
    Case "ALL"
        If Password.Text = "password555" Then
            GoTo LineR
            MsgBox "Incorrect password."
            GoTo Line91
        End If
    Case ""
        GoTo LineR
    Case "J. SMITH"
        If Password.Text = "password555" Then
            GoTo LineR
            MsgBox "Incorrect user password."
            GoTo Line91
        End If
    End Select
        If RName = Empty Then
            Cells(1, 1).Select
            lngR = MsgBox("No name entered!", vbOKOnly +
            GoTo Line91
            Sheet1.Range("D6", Range("E6").End(xlDown).Offset(0,
            With Selection.Font
                .ColorIndex = 2
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
            For Each CellBlock In Sheet1.Range("D6", Range("E6").End
(xlDown).Offset(0, 1).Address)
                CellName = Left(CellBlock.Text, 6)
                If CellName = DisplayName Then
                    CellBlock.Font.ColorIndex = 1
                    CellBlock.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
                End If
            Next CellBlock
            Cells(1, 1).Select
            MsgBox "All assignments for " & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & UCase
        End If
    ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:=PW, Structure:=True,
    ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=PW, DrawingObjects:=True,
Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
    ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlNoSelection
End Sub

I know this is quite lengthy, but any help on any of these parts would
be much appreciated.  Thank you in advance!


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