Harish Pandey,
Manager Operations
--- On Mon, 13/4/09, Harmeet Singh wrote:
From: Harmeet Singh
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Fwd: mACRO HELP
Date: Monday, 13 April, 2009, 9:49 PM
Hi Jayendra,
Finally, your reques
Hi I have a client data base system which works through internet.
There are some fields in this data base where I have to update same
information in same fields for different deals. I have heard of Macros that
record Key Stroked. Can some one give me a link to a freeware which will
help me.
> Dear All,
> Can you please help me write a macro to simplify finding the packing list.
> The required files are attached for your reference. The tedious job that we
> do is as under:
>- Fin`ding the container number PONU7259344 from the daily vehicle
>entry file an excel file
Dear Ashis ,
U helps to all member ,pls help me also.Mateer is most urgent
>> Dear All,
>> Can you please help me write a macro to simplify finding the packing list.
>> The required files are attached for your reference. The tedious job that we
>> do is as under:
>>- Fin`ding
Still I am waiting ..Pls Help me in this regards.matter is most
> Dear All,
> Can you please help me write a macro to simplify finding the packing list.
> The required files are attached for your reference. The tedious job that we
> do is as under:
>- Fin`ding the co