Hi Howard,

It's late here, but you have at least one problem.  In the following line:

mycolor = cBWTStop.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Font.Color

you reference the activecell.row and .column;  but that gives you the row
and column for the active cell relative to the sheet as a whole.
cBWTStop.Cells, though, needs a row and column specified relative to
cBWTStop.  In other words, cBWTStop.Cells(2,1) refers to the first data item
in that column.  The row happens in this case to be the same, since CBWTStop
begins in the first row of your worksheet, but since cBWTStop is only one
column, you should specify 1 for the column.


This should work:

mycolor = cBWTStop.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Font.Color


This would be a more general solution in case cBWTStop didn't start at row 1
on your worksheet:

mycolor = cBWTStop.Cells(ActiveCell.Row - cBWTStop.Cells(1).Row + 1,


Or using Application.Intersect you can simplify it like this:

mycolor = Application.Intersect(ActiveCell.EntireRow, cBWTStop).Font.Color


When I get a chance, I will still try to respond to your previous messages.




From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of tangledweb
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 12:20 AM
To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Need help with VBAfor Excel naming and using
column names for looping



 I tried what you said but am doing something wrong.  First when I used the
exact same string as both the Set variable and the Match variable it said it
needed an object.

It did not like identical names I guess?

Then I created different object names and that would compile but I have
tried several variations to get a correct simple value returned (what I
really want to do will be more complex but

I have to crack this fundamental first) and all get errors of different
types.   It may be that what I really need to do is remove the .Columns from
your expression and then the variable would

become an integer and I could use it as an index?   

But even if that is true and what I decide to do I would still like to
understand what is wrong here.  I have a set of columns and am just trying
to get the color value of one of them out of the

range of the column BWTStop which should be the object cBWTStop I think?
ActiveCell in these attempts was the cell just to the right of one of the
colored cells.

The current uncommented version keeps returning 0 but the actual color value
of the cell I want is 255.  The commented out versions get runtime errors or
compile errors.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro which sets the column names for the ChartData sheet
'   Column names
    Dim BarDate As String
    Dim BarTime As String
    Dim Baropen As String
    Dim Barhigh As String
    Dim Barlow As String
    Dim Barclose As String
    Dim BWTStop As String
    Dim Short_Long_Cash As String
'   Column reference object
    Dim cBarDate As Object
    Dim cBarTime As Object
    Dim cBaropen As Object
    Dim cBarhigh As Object
    Dim cBarlow As Object
    Dim cBarclose As Object
    Dim cBWTStop As Object
    Dim cShort_Long_Cash As Object
    With Sheets("ChartData").UsedRange  'All the columns will only have the
used range.
        Set cBarDate = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("BarDate", .Rows(1),
        Set cBarTime = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("BarTime", .Rows(1),
        Set cBaropen = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("BarOpen", .Rows(1),
        Set cBarhigh = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("BarHigh", .Rows(1),
        Set cBarlow = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("BarLow", .Rows(1),
        Set cBarclose = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("BarClose",
.Rows(1), 0))
        Set cBWTStop = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("BWTStop", .Rows(1),
        Set cShort_Long_Cash =
.Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match("Short_Long_Cash", .Rows(1), 0))
    End With
'    With Selection.Font
    Dim mycolor
'    mycolor = cBWTStop(Cells(ActiveCell.Offset(ActiveCell.Row - 1),
'    mycolor = Cells(4, cBWTStop).Font.Color
    mycolor = cBWTStop.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Font.Color
    Debug.Print mycolor

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