I like the questions.  Very good introductory questions on a variety of VBA


For question #8, I suspect the question intended could be better phrased
"Which of these is a datatype most specifically for storing decimal integers
in a variable?" (several of the datatypes listed store decimal numbers, more
than one can store decimal integers precisely, but only one of those is
limited to storing integers.)




From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of jainayus...@gmail.com
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 4:14 AM
To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ VBA macro quiz #1


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VBA macro quiz #1

This quiz is sponsored by discussexcel.com. Ayush Jain Group Manager


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1. Which of these is used at module level to force declaration of all
variables mandatory ? * 

.        ( ) Option Compare

.        ( ) Option Variable

.        ( ) Option Explicit

.        ( ) Option Base


2. Which of these keyword is used to declare variables ? * 

.        ( ) Declare

.        ( ) Dim

.        ( ) Create

.        ( ) Make


3. Which of these datatype is used in the variable declaration to store text
data ? * 

.        ( ) String

.        ( ) Text

.        ( ) Char

.        ( ) Long


4. Which of these is correct declaration of macro ? * 

.        ( ) Sub Welcome[]

.        ( ) Sub Welcome{}

.        ( ) Sub Welcome()

.        ( ) Sub Welcome 


5. Which of these command is to display message in a dialog box ? * 

.        ( ) ShowMsg

.        ( ) DialogBox

.        ( ) Message

.        ( ) Msgbox


6. Which of these is not a loop in VBA ? * 

.        ( ) Do while

.        ( ) IF End if

.        ( ) For Next

.        ( ) While wend


7. Which of these command is used to take input from the user ? * 

.        ( ) Inputbox

.        ( ) Textbox

.        ( ) InputText

.        ( ) InputValue


8. Which of these is a datatype used to store the decimal numbers in
variable ? * 

.        ( ) Double

.        ( ) Decimal

.        ( ) Long

.        ( ) Float


9. Which of these command is used to stop screen flickering ? * 

.        ( ) Application.HideScreen = True

.        ( ) Application.EnableEvents = False

.        ( ) Application.DisplayAlerts = False

.        ( ) Application.Screenupdating = False


10. Which is the file extension that cannot be used for macro excel file ? *

.        ( ) .XLSM

.        ( ) .XLSX

.        ( ) .XLSB

.        ( ) .XLS


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