
This is just a caveat for those of you who may have applied particular
Information Store hotfixes for Exchange 2000 SP3.

Information Store hotfix 6336 (no longer available for download) broke the
behaviour whereby Exchange will convert a Universal Distribution Group to
a Universal Security Group if it is added to the Client Permissions of a
public folder.  The UDG does not get converted and you may experience
problems with Client Permissions in general.

Information Store hotfix 6389 (which is available for download) restores
the correct UDG-->USG conversion behaviour.  However if 6336 was already
installed you will find that 6389 does not correct problems that were
caused by 6336.  In particular, if you had a UDG in the Client Permissions
of a particular public folder, the permissions are now broke.  i.e. the
Client Permissions screen is grayed-out and not modifiable via either ESM
or Outlook.  The only workaround right now is to either uninstall 6389 or
recreate the folder and move the pf contents to the new folder.

MS is aware of the problem.


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