Are UK Exchange Admins feeling the impact of this ?????
Do the group have comments ?
This is taken from some marketing material forwarded to me, I've removed
advertising blurb from the end of the mail.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 December 2001 17:39
Subject: UK Data Protection law changes affect Exchange Administrators

Included in here


*  the law changes and how they affect YOU

*  the eight principles of the Data Protection law

*  how the Exchange Admin can help your company comply

*  three actions you should take to help uphold the law



How the new Data Protection Act affects the Exchange Administrator


Are you aware that the Data Protection Act changed on 24 October 2001, and

some of the clauses of its enforcement affect YOU?


If you don't like reading e-mail about implications on the law, read just
this one, 

it may save your company a lot of time and money.


Changes in the law mean that even previously exempt companies now have to

Much of the law revolves around employees being able to request access to

held about themselves and it being held securely. And this includes data
held in e-mails 

and public folders!


So here is a good question for you. How would your Data Protection Officer
search for 

personnel type information in your Exchange environment (mailboxes and/or


Here are the 8 basic principles for Data Protection and work out which can

affected by the Exchange Administrator. Personal data must be ...

 1   fairly and lawfully processed  

 2   processed for limited purposes

 3   adequate, relevant and not excessive

 4   accurate 

 5   not kept longer than necessary 

 6   processed in accordance with the data subject's rights  

 7   secure

 8   not transferred to countries without adequate protection


Obviously these are under the jurisdiction of the Data Protection Officer
(DPO) or 

Information Officer (IO).

But in terms of data held as e-mail YOU as the Exchange Admin have high
levels of 

control on points 5, 7 and 8.


What do you need to do?

1 - discuss the length of time that your DPO/IO wants such information held
(point 5) 

and show him/her how you can manage that in Exchange.

2 - ensure that only the correct people have access to the e-mails/folders,
and that 

no inadvertent rights have been granted (point 7). 

3 - ensure none of this information has been exported/replicated to other
servers (point 8). 

If it has, check where these servers are located, if in European Union, you
are probably 

OK. If they are outside the EU (US or elsewhere) then talk to your DPO/IO,
you need 

advice and they need to be aware.


Remember Data Protection is not just about information coming and going from

system, but primarily about the information already stored there. 

*** If its there, you must be able to find it and ensure it is secure.***



Principles of Data Protection can be found at

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