I'm pretty sure I have shot myself in the foot and so first up let me
acknowledge my stupidity. I'm hoping that someone can suggest the best way
to recover...

I am moving our single Exchange server to a new machine using the ECMSM[1].
I am moving from Exchange 5.5 on NT4 to Exchange 5.5 on Windows 2000 in case
that is pertinent. I was interrupted several times for weeks at a time.
Because of this, I apparently forgot how far I had gotten with the move and
tried to remove the old server before I had completely dealt with the Public
IS move[2]. A warning when I was trying to delete the old server led me to
my error. My problem, in a nutshell, is I am unable to find a way to get the
last few dozen public folders to replicate (or say they have) so that I can
confidently delete their replicas on OldServer and then remove OldServer.

The details of the current situation are:

All public folders show their home server as NewServer and most of them were
listed as in sync on their replication tab so I have removed those replicas
on OldServer. However, I have 57 public folders that show "local modified"
for the replica on OldServer but usually with no date listed for "last
received" or a date from before (or possibly the day on which) I started the

This notation of "Local Modified" for the OldServer replica does not change
no matter how long I wait (several days) nor whether I change from "always"
for the replication interval to "specified times" and wait well past the
specified times I set. Changing the replication interval for the entire
public folder store or the individual folders made no difference. Nor did
increasing the allowed size of replication messages.

I turned up logging to maximum on anything relating to public folders
replication and I can see indications that replication traffic is flowing
between the two servers of the free busy info mainly. But there was also a
connection sending an outgoing replication message from NewServer concerning
replication of changes to 4 of the folders still on OldServer. There was a
corresponding incoming replication event logged on OldServer but the four
folders in question still say they were local modified on OldServer. And the
date for "last received", for the folder that had one, was still quite a
while ago.

Out of the 57 folders that are not replicating there are 39 whose values for
k stored, # of items, and last access date under "Public Folder Resources"
are identical. There are 9 others for whom the replica on NewServer has
slightly more k but the same number of items. There are 6 others whose size
on OldServer is slightly larger (under 20k iirc) but again the same number
of items. There are two folders on OldServer that do not appear on NewServer
at all. One is "Events Root" and the other is "Internet Newsgroups" both are
empty on OldServer[4].

If I just export the particular folders that are marked "Local Modified" to
PST files and then remove OldServer from the network and repeat the process
and then compare the PST files will I be able to determine that everything
really did get replicated correctly and that it is safe for me to remove the
replicas from OldServer and then remove OldServer from the site? Or is there
a cleaner way around this problem (please say yes and point me to it)? I
have searched MS's site, my archives of this list (back to Jan 2002), and
the net in general with Google and not found anything that I could apply to
this problem.

I don't like just assuming that things are ok even if I compare PSTs or
something and find everything is correct on NewServer. It makes me nervous.
I'd be much happier if some skilled person here could tell me how to force
the replication (or what I need to fix to get replication working correctly
again) to sync up for both servers so that I can feel confident in my
deletion of the OldServer Replicas.

Thanks very much,


further info which might be useless...

[1] I only have the two servers because of the move - normally I have just
the one server in, obviously, one site and the new server was added to the
same site as per normal.

[2] I also got interrupted for weeks as I was trying to correct the initial
problem so I am no longer certain what order I did things in. (Yes, I know I
should have written it down. I've already admitted I'm an idiot.) I believe
I might have tried to remove the old server before all the public folders
had been rehomed. I definitely tried to remove it before all the replicas
had been deleted from OldServer.

[3] Which would imply I might have had a problem before I ever started the
move perhaps but no one has complained about folders missing content (or
having content they shouldn't). I believe the date it lists is the date on
which I began moving the folders to NewServer but I am not positive.

[4]  There is also a folder called "Article Index" which is also empty but
which I believe to be fine as is since its creation date and last accessed
date on NewServer is the same as the date I installed Exchange on NewServer
and its dates for OldServer are (iirc) the one on which I installed Exchange
on OldServer. 

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