I don't see a need for a second virtual SMTP server in your scenario.
Just a second recipient policy, and a second mx record.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tea, Justin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Posted At: Friday, February 15, 2002 11:20 AM
> Posted To: MSExchange Mailing List
> Conversation: Adding a virtual SMTP in a cluster environment
> Subject: Adding a virtual SMTP in a cluster environment
> Hi,
> First, can you have two different domain (abc.com and 
> def.com) share one Information Store Group in 2000 like you 
> used to be able to in 5.5?  I have been unsuccessful to 
> create a second SMTP virtual server on our 2000 Cluster.  It 
> is complaining that a dependency of Information Store is 
> required when attempting to add SMTP Virtual Server via 
> Cluster admin.  I get similar messages when adding the 
> Exchange resources to the dependency list.  I have referenced 
> Q288159, but to no avail.
> Can someone who has walked the road shine me some light.  
> Thanks in advance.
> ~justin

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