This particular server is Exchange 5.5 Sp1, NT 4.0 SP5.  The rest of the
site is Ex5.5, SP4 / Win2k, SP2.

I have one server in my site that isn't doing anything.  It is one that was
installed before I took over the admin duties.  It's a converted PC, so
we're going to remove it from the site and shut it down.  I have followed
Q152959 for removing the first server in the site.  I have also reviewed all
the "gotcha's!" listed in Q189286.

1) The bridgehead server duties have been migrated over to another server.
2) The public folders have all been rehomed to another server.
3) There are no mailboxes on this server.
4) The distribution lists are all set to expand on a different server.
5) There are no replicas of the Free/Busy information on this server
6) There is no replica of the OAB on the server
7) There are no organizational forms on the server
8) Routing calculation has been moved to another server
9) There are no connectors of any kind on this server
10)When I look at the "Instances" tab of the Public store on this server,
the only public folder left on this server is called
"Eventconfig_servername".  Yet, when I go to the "Age Limits" tab, there is
another folder listed there called "Nntp Control Folder", which I can't find
anywhere else.

The exchange databases that exist on this server are as follows:
\\servername\c$\exchsrvr\dsadata\dir.edb - 105 mb
\\servername\c$\exchsrvr\dsadata\temp.edb - 1 mb
\\servername\c$\exchsrvr\mdbdata\tmp.edb - 7 mb
\\servername\e$\exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub.edb - 162 mb
\\servername\e$\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv.edb - 13 mb

None of them have been modified since 02/26/02

Even with nothing on this server, I am still getting 5 to 10 people per day
logging on to the Public Store.  Is this normal?  What are these people
logging on to?  A replica of the public folders?

Should I?:
1) Stop all the Exchange services and leave it for a week
2) Restart the services
3) Remove the server from the site
4) Leave the server up for a day or two
5) Turn it off.

I stopped all the services on this server for the weekend, about a month and
a half ago, thinking that nobody would holler.  When I did that, I had whole
bunches of people complaining about how slow their Outlook clients were.  As
soon as I started everything back up, things were fine.

What am I missing?


Jim Blunt

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