Looks like I solved the issue. I removed the entry under the Events Root system folder 
(EventConfig_NTSERVER) but 10 minutes later the error reappear. I then restarted the 
MTA Stacks service and I have been monitoring the logs since, so far no errors. I will 
keep monitoring the logs to see if it reappaears, hopefully it wont. Thanks anyway!

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Paul Armstrong 
        Sent: Tue 7/23/2002 1:08 PM 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: Exchange 2000 server trying to contact decommissioned 5.5 server
        Hello All,
        I have recently installed a Exchange 2000 server and migrated all of the 
mailboxes, contacts, public folders over to this server from an Exchange 5.5 server. 
The 5.5 server has since been removed from the site & organization and formatted for 
other usage. All has been well, I haven't had any issues with clients connecting or 
mail flow but I do get the following error within the event logs:
        An RPC communications error occurred. Unable to bind over RPC. Locality Table 
(LTAB) index: 164, Windows 2000/MTA error code: 1722. Comms error 1722, Bind error 0, 
Remote Server Name NTSERVER [MAIN BASE 1 500 %10] (14) 
        It seems as if the E2K server is trying to communicate with the removed e55 
server. I followed all of the KB articles when I removed the e55 server so I am unsure 
why it is still trying to communicate with it. The closest articles i see to this 
issue has something to do with the e55 service account. The site has been converted to 
native mode so the tab that allows me to change the service account pswd isn't there 
any more.
        One thing I do notice is in the Public\System folders. In the System manager, 
Under Offline address book, I notice there are two entries. One is:
        /o=Playknits/cn=addrlists/cn=oabs/cn=Default Offline Address List
        the other is:
        Are there supposed to be two entries in this? 
        The other thing I noticed was under the Events Root System Folder, there is an 
item called EventConfig_NTSERVER. NTSERVER was the name of the E55 server which has 
been decomissioned. Should I delete this entry.
        Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated. I keep getting the 
error messages every 10 minutes.


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