For the past few days exchange suddenly stops receiving or sending out. Any
email just sits in the outbox for 30-40 minutes and then suddenly everything
is normal again.
There is no indication of any errors in the Event Viewer. So I turned on
Field Enginnering logs on the Exchange MTA (Minimum) and I get the below
error repeatedly in the MTA log, When I looked at the file in question I
noticed that its properties were System, Hidden, Read, Archive where as all
others only had Archive bit. The date on that was also last June. I also see
a few files of April. Should I delete these files and run MTACheck or is it
something else that is wrong?

message NMI2127: Internal Operating System Error, severity 14

          (DB Server APPLICATION(41) Proc 98) 07-16-02 01:07:09pm
          Error accessing object AAT on Read/Write
            Filename                E:\exchsrvr\mtadata\.\DB00003A.DAT
            File offset             0
            File operation          OPEN
            Operating system error  2
            Referenced object       00000000     (00000000 => N/A)
            Referenced object error 0

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