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-----Original Message-----
From: Toni, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:41 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: OT (slightly) - need an outlook97 form

Can anyone point me in the direction of an Outlook "survey-type" form?  We
currently do not do any forms development here so I know nothing about
building one - can it be done with less than 7 firing neurons?.  One of the
managers would like to put a staff satisfaction survey on-line and I figured
this would be a good way to get my feet wet.  If I could find some kind of
existing survey-related Outlook form that I could play around with and
modify to their liking, I could be a superstar for a day (a nice break from
being known as "that *$^%# rat-bastard e-mail nazi").  Just need to drop it
in a public folder - something with a few multiple-choice boxes, a couple of
yes/no buttons, and the odd text field is what I'd like to end up with.  

yes - we still run Outlook 97 - pls don't shoot me....


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