Title: Send as functionaliy for non-GAL user

We have a contracter who currently uses Outlook 2000 in corporate mode for his primary place of work, and retrieves his mail from us via POP3 using the same profile.  He has a rule setup so that mail coming to [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes into a seperate folder in his inbox.  The question I am attempting to answer is whether there is a way he can send as [EMAIL PROTECTED] when sending/replying to some mails, and [EMAIL PROTECTED] when using the other mail.  I have tried adding his [EMAIL PROTECTED] contact info into his corporate contact list, but get the typical "You do not have permissions to send as this person" when trying to send as.  Is it possible to send as a person who is not located in the Exchange GAL using OL 2000? 


Danny Cahoon

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