I've been trying to hack my xinitrc file to start a few programs when
open blackbox, my fave window manager.

Mandrake have written in a bunch of scripts which call various other
scripts. The startx man page says:

   NOTE: The startx script supplied with the X11 distribution
         is a sample designed more as a base for customization than
         as a finished product.  Site administrators are  urged  to
         customize  it  for  their site.  And to update this manual
         page when they do!

But Mandrake haven't updated it. Bad Mandrake. No biscuit.

Anyway, I wanted to start some applications like 'kbiff', and to run
kpanel and kfm (I have installed blackbox with kde support and a patch
to run various K applets in the Slit) so, first, I wrote a .xinitrc file
in my home directory:


and reran startx. This didn't work - blackbox failed to load.

Second try: I added the same lines to my /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file,
just before

if [ -x $HOME/.Xclients ]; then
      exec $HOME/.Xclients
elif [ -x /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients ]; then
      exec /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients

This didn't work either. So I erased that and tried adding the same
commands to my etc/Xclients file, just before:


where $PREFERRED == blackbox

Still no dice.

So I removed everything. I went back to the way it was. But now startx 
takes about 2 minutes to start my window manager, and gives an error 
xauth: timeout locking authority file home/dash2/.Xauthority

What have I done and how can I fix it?

thanks in advance.

Dave Hugh-Jones

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