I hope someone can help med shed som light on this. I am trying to setup quotas on a filesystem, but it doesn't bite. I have prepared an aquota.user file with quotacheck, edited the fstab and assigned quotas to a couple of test users. When booting, quotaon (called from rc.sysinit) fails with the message: quotaon: using /my/mount/point/aquota.user on /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target5/lun0/part1: Device or resource busy I get the same message when I run it manually. I have been able to trick the quota into starting in singe-user mode. If I unmount and mount the filesystem, then immediatley run quotaon it will work. If I (as root ofcourse) manipulate files belonging to the test users the diskusage as shown by quota -v is updated accordingly. If I then switch to multi-user by invoking 'init 3' the quota stops working, the kernel doesn't update diskusage (as shown by quota -v) or stop users who overdraw. If I boot straight into multi user and try the same unmount/mount trick it doesn't work either. Quotaon runs without errors but the kernel doesn't update the diskusage or hinder overdraw. I use kernel-enterprise-, quota-3.01-0.5mdk and the ext3 filesystem. All suggestions are appreciated. Regards, Fredrik -- "It is easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of computers by the sense of accomplishment you get from getting them to work at all." - Douglas Adams Fredrik Öhrn Chalmers University of Technology [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sweden
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