[expert] Periodic Backup of files to a W2K fat32 partition

2003-08-19 Thread Rob Lindsay
Hi All, I am still running a dual boot dual drive MDK9.1/W2K computer. Need the windoze for Net2Phone alone at this stage - not quite true - I also use it for Photoshop 5.5 because my Wine Photoshop 5.5 installation while working does not save! I keep all my important files in a folder

Re: [expert] Wanted to try wine

2003-06-13 Thread Rob Lindsay
Thanks for the refs to the URLs, Joham. I have nearly got Photoshop 5.5 working - I think! - using the latest SourceForge Wine MDK RPM. Once I'm successful with that I would like to get InDesign 1.5 sorted - the list of working applications suggests that INDD 2.0 does work. There was a great

Re: [expert] Wanted to try wine

2003-06-13 Thread Rob Lindsay
What about winesetuptk-0.6.1-b.i586.rpm, cvsup-glibc2.3.tar.gz dcom95.exe? You may or may not make use of them though I would think that winesetuptk and dcom95.exe would be good ideas at a minimum. The former should make setting up wine easier via a tk-based graphical interface (I've

[expert] Visor Edge and HotSyncing under MDK9.1

2003-06-08 Thread Rob Lindsay
If I reboot for any reason I find that my Visor Edge stops HotSyncing under KPilot. The trial and error work around I have come up with this is to SU in a terminal, cd to /dev and rm -r pilot. Everything then starts working again. Can anyone explain what is going on? TIA, Rob Want to buy

[expert] Wine-20030115 winedefault.reg

2003-05-31 Thread Rob Lindsay
Have got all the required registry directories in my .wine/ except winedefault.reg. Is there a problem with the Wine-20030115 RPM that shipped with MDK9.1? Documentation suggests that you need config, system.reg, userdef.reg, user.reg, wine.userreg and winedefault.reg in the .wine/ file. I