[expert] Anyone using Corp Server 1.0.1 having cron problems?

2001-06-02 Thread Steve Gulick
I am and can't figure out why it won't run. Permissions are 775 and owner is root:root on all files. It shows crond running when I do a ps -awwux I am stumped and could really use some help. TIA Steve

[expert] Corp Server 1.0.1 ApacheSSL and Vhosts setup

2001-04-30 Thread Steve Gulick
I am running a new install of Corp Server 1.0.1 with Apache and mod_ssl. I have about 5 virtual hosts set up and they are all working fine. I am now trying to setup ssl to work with all 5 vhosts and am not sure exactly how to do it in the conf files. I edited the ssl.default-vhost.conf file and