Those sync values are for a VGA ( 640x480 ) monitor and will not do
800x600.  Your X-Windows problem is probably vitual desktop which could
be changed, but then some applications would not fit on your screen. 

Daniel Woods wrote:
> > I picked up an old Zenith monitor (model ZCM1492BA1).
> > It does not list in Xconfigurator and so I am having
> > a hard time getting it right.  I used an 8514 monitor
> > at 640x480, but I still can't see part of the top and
> > bottom of the X-windows.  Even though an 800x640 test
> > passes, it gets reset to 640x480.  The on-board
> > video card is a Sis620 8MB (I set to 2 or 4 for testing).
> >
> > Anyone know the scan frequencies for this monitor
> > or which monitor setting will best fit it ?
> > Is there a monitor listing database on the internet ?
> I found an answer at
> Model:              ZCM1490
> Max Resolution:     Not Available
> Sync Type:          Not Available
> H Freq/ V Freq:     31.5 khz/70 hz
> Tube Manufacturer:  Not Available
> Monitor Type:       Not Available
> Tube Model:         Not Available
> Tube Size:          14"
> Connector:          Not Available
> Although I still can't see the top and bottom portion in X-windows.
> I've tried the suggestions made so far. The zenith is only VGA
> and so I tried VGA16 server with 640x480 and the problem
> remains there.  When I tried using 800x600 to fake it, it requires
> 35.15 khz and therefore hung.
> Maybe I should just get another monitor :(
> I was not expecting to use X on this server when I bought it.
> And the extra costs...yada-yada...the wife...
> Thanks... Dan.

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