I found out what happened.
Apparently, my provider changed something in his proxy settings, because
gtk-gnutella was working fine a couple of months ago.

The problem is that getting the hostcaches is done via true
http-requests which HAVE to go through my providers proxy.
And here it goes wrong, gtk-gnutella does not honour http-proxies during
the GET's for the caches.

I do have a workarround:
#for i in `tail -n 3`; do GET "$i?urlfile=1&client=GTKG&version=0.91.1"
>>urls; done
#for i in `cat urls`; do GET "$i?urlfile=1&client=GTKG&version=0.91.1"
>>urls2; done
#for i in `cat urls2`; do GET "$i?hostfile=1&client=GTKG&version=0.91.1"
>>hosts; done

The first command expands the number of webcaches from the 3 in the
default list.  The second command does this again, to achieve a nicely
filled hostlist.
The third command creates the actual list.
Note, you better clean up the resulting list a little, for me, it
sometimes contains remainders of HTML code.



-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Guy Van Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mandrake Expert list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [expert] gtk-gnutella
Date: 29 Dec 2002 17:52:29 +0100

Hello Hans

I thought that too, but there are no proxies defined for gnutella (it
simply does nothing when I do set one).
I even tried to do 'unset http_proxy' befor launching.  


On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 20:11, SainTiss wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a similar problem, which was due to me using a HTTP proxy...
> Gtk-gnutella doesn't handle proxies well as far as connecting to the
> "cache nodes" is concerned...
> Hans
> On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 19:34, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
> > Hello 
> > 
> > I recently ran into problems with gtk-gnutella (gtk-gnutella-0.91.1-1plf
> > on Mandrake 9.0).
> > I had been using it for some time, and it was working fine.  But now
> > another user on my system needs it too, and it fails.
> > 
> > So I decided to remove the .gtk-gnutella directory for my user (after
> > backing it up).  And restart it again, it fails too.
> > 
> > In the terminal window, I get the errors below.
> > Running the GET commands manually works fine.  Qtella is also dead in
> > the water.  If I interpret this correctly, something goes wrong when my
> > client downloads the host caches.  That explains why it was still
> > working for my userID, I had a cache file with > 20000 hosts.
> > 
> > Can anyone confirm this behavior?
> > 
> > Kind regards
> > 
> > Guy
> > 
> > <ERRORS>
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > http://gwebcache.bearshare.net/gcache.php?urlfile=1&client=GTKG&version=0.91.1"; on 
>error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > http://gwebcache.bearshare.net/gcache.php?hostfile=1&client=GTKG&version=0.91.1"; 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: aborting "GET
> > 
>on error: Data timeout
> > 
> > </ERRORS>
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Guy Van Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Guy Van Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Guy Van Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Guy Van Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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